Continue this Yoshi story

The combination of the black whole and atomic bombs make such a huge explosion that not only is the universe destroyed, it is impossible to ever continue the story or make a new one.
The End.
YoshiMonsta said:
Yay! Then the story resumed where it was last where SirPoshington could do nothing about it! :eekdance:
Where it was last...
Everyone was dead. Nobody had survived and the story could not go on.
YoshiMonsta said:
I meant the original story where Yoshi had to rescue his peeps
:posh: :smug: :lol: :roll: :eekdance:
1. Don't double post.
2. Stop spamming the smileys.
3. I know, but the original story ended. And because this is decided by whoever posts next, you can't change the story.
Both of those. Also, it only had four sentences, pretty much no plot, no character development, etc., etc.
In the middle of the story, Nabber comes to his senses. What is he doing? He takes out an atomic bomb that he was conveniently holding and blew it up. Everyone died.
Some guy took a dump. the world blew up randomly. The End.

Personally, I think my story was well thought out.
New story:

Once, there was a father Yoshi and a baby Yoshi.

The father told the baby a story:

Once, there was an ugly barnacle. He was so ugly, everybody died. The end.
Sadly, the shield didn't protect him from every part of his body from the inevitable Atomic Bomb and he died.
Luigi Bandicoot said:
Random time revert made so the Yoshi this time made a complete anti-atomic bomb shield and started hunting for the ugly barnacle. Sadly, he saw it and his ugliness killed him. Then there was smiley spams.

The Real End
Sadly, this was impossible so it never happened.