Continue this Yoshi story

There was yoshi

the end

Chapter 3:

Yoshi chokes on the harmonica and dies. Turns out the harmonica was really a atomic bomb and it blows up and everyone dies.

The apple, however, was on fire. This gave the Yoshi the power to breathe fire. He, however, couldn't control his power. He ended up setting a tree full of apples on fire. Frustrated, he chucked a flaming apple towards a nearby jail. A Yoshi sees the apple and eats it...
Then it turns out that the apple was really an atomic bomb that exploded and everyone died.
Shouldn't this be in Forum games?
Also, you can't continue after the story is over unless you make a sequel. And that's impossible because the apple was an atomic bomb.

But a Young filly who had magic put a spell on him, making him able to breathe on that planet

too be continued...
Sadly he was still dead so nothing mattered.
Also there's no such thing as a philly. Unless you're talking about people from Philadelphia.
Suddenly, the invincibility wore off. An atomic bomb exploded that killed all the Yoshis. but not the ponies because they're awesome.
Poor Yoshi

The End

New story

Both the Mario world and the MLP: FiM world were sent to a world with no atomic bombs. And Apple Jack has no urge to kick any yoshis and they live in peace with no atomic bombs

The end