UltraMario Donkey Kong Dec 1, 2011 Thread starter #304 Praise lol I'm a narcissist Subject: Rebellious ambitions
Lily x Goodbye Dec 2, 2011 #310 Praise. (strange, its latin for Mage and is the last name to one of the characters in my book.) Starla
Praise. (strange, its latin for Mage and is the last name to one of the characters in my book.) Starla
Bop1996 Power Star Retired Wiki Staff Dec 2, 2011 #311 Magus is a character in Chrono Trigger, not just my generic name for a mage... I have no knowledge of the subject matter. Subject: Aristophanes.
Magus is a character in Chrono Trigger, not just my generic name for a mage... I have no knowledge of the subject matter. Subject: Aristophanes.
DragonFreak Everything that drowns me makes me wanna fly! Dec 2, 2011 #318 Praise, if in terms of minor or major, haze if it isn't. Subject: Rare Steak
DragonFreak Everything that drowns me makes me wanna fly! Dec 2, 2011 #320 Praise. I haven't had it, but I would really love to. Subject: Mindless Junk
UltraMario Donkey Kong Dec 2, 2011 Thread starter #323 Haze Subject: Dance Dance Revolution Mario Mix