I just beat __

I guess Dino Piranha is too much? Don't worry, I struggled too when I was younger. I'm super awesome at the game now!
My first time getting to Dino Piranha on Wii, I had NO CLUE what to do with Lil' Eggie running around the planet.

Also, if it counts, some tough SMM2 stages.
Just beat Pokémon White and oh my Goddddd I love this game so darn much. Being limited to only the newly introduced Pokémon during the main story is great, and it sucks that it was poorly received back in the day because I love it. Makes the game feel so fresh and different from the other games. I also love the story, N is probably my favorite character in all of Pokémon, and Cheren & Bianca are cool too (I think this game has the best rivals). Additionally I like how the gym leaders are actual characters, and not just bosses that you fight one time and then never see again. They actually do stuff outside of their gyms and help you during the story, and that's just awesome. The presentation is slick, I love how fast the battles are, and the animated Pokémon sprites are great. Just an all around fantastic game

I kinda want to check out the sequels, but tbh I'm not as into them as other people are. When I first played White 2 all those years back, I loved every second of it, I put like 300 hours into my save file. But every time I've tried revisiting it I always get bored and drop the game. Still to this day I've only ever completed the game once, back in 2013. Idk why that is, since it doesn't really have any issues aside from maybe being too similar to the first game, but I mean it's a sequel that takes place in the same region so what can you do.

There's a cool feature in B2W2 called memory link, where you can connect your B1W1 save file to the sequel, and it unlocks a bunch of bonus content. More boss fights, more story stuff, and you even get to catch N's Pokémon. I've never tried it before but next time I play Black 2 I'll give it a go.

For now though, I'm gonna work on White's post game.
Well I don't know if this counts, but I just beat "Five Nights At Pinkie's" gamemode in Garry's Mod. I'm a brony; it's a brony mod. But yeah I beat it, and nights four five and six were just torture LOL.
Well I don't know if this counts, but I just beat "Five Nights At Pinkie's" gamemode in Garry's Mod. I'm a brony; it's a brony mod. But yeah I beat it, and nights four five and six were just torture LOL.
It technically counts. It's a game within a game, so I say that's valid!
Paper Mario: The Origami King. The Thousand-Year Door may be a better all-rounder, but I actually do like Origami King a lot.
I just beat Pokemon Dream Radar. If you've never heard of it, it was an AR game you could download from the 3DS eShop for $3. Think Face Raiders but Pokemon. By playing it you could catch several Pokemon and send them to Black 2 and White 2, and they'd all have their hidden abilities and would be caught in Dream Balls. Some of these Pokemon weren't available in the gen 5 games so it's great to be able to obtain them here. Technically it's an "endless" game, but you see the credits after catching Landorus, which I swear I did back in the day but I guess not.

The reason I was playing it was because I'm currently going through Black 2 and I realized I could get a God damn Spiritomb through this. In case you don't know, Spiritomb is one of those Pokemon that's hardly ever obtainable in the games, and even when it is, it's super tedious to get. So I'm really happy to have one in Black 2! (I actually have 3 lol it's super easy to farm these)
Just finished the postgame for Mario RPG. All my characters were max level and it took me forty five turns to beat Culex 3D. I had a lot of fun with this game. Some of the rematches were pretty challenging, and the team I used for most of the battles was Mario, Peach, and Mallow.
Jurassic Park III: Dino Defender (2001, PC) (second time)

So I posted about this game about 3 and a half years ago, when I was 17 I finally returned to this game for the first time since childhood and beat it. (Link to that post: https://www.marioboards.com/threads/14380/post-2236173)

Well, today, I felt like another nostalgia blast and I beat the game for a second time. I still remembered how to do most of the game so it wasn't too hard, and the last level was actually much easier than I remember. The hardest part was easily the fifth level (there are six levels in the game), as you have to have quick reactions and do a very specific set of moves to evade the dinosaurs. This time I beat it considerably faster, I think it took me only about 2 hours to beat it today as opposed to about 3 hours last time.

This is also the very first time I've played the game on Linux, thanks to Lutris and Wine-GE (I wasn't a Linux user at the time of my last playthrough.) Unfortunately the videos were a bit glitchy/flickery on Linux, which makes them a bit annoying to watch but you can still see and hear what's going on, and everything else worked perfectly.

My thoughts on this game are basically the same as they were when I was 17. It's extremely nostalgic, being one of the very first video games I played on my PC when I was probably about 4-5 (though I don't think it was my very first game, that would be LEGO Chess, which unlike this game I sadly no longer own.) But other than that, it doesn't really hold up well. It's extremely short, the movement and controls are quite stiff and clunky, the graphics haven't aged all that well (although I guess they kind of have a 2000s charm), and the later levels especially are basically just having to do a very specific sequence of movements in order to avoid dying. Also the swimming was super underutilized, it's only used briefly in the tutorial level and first level.

I think being awarded with the Dino Cards and a special message for beating the game is a really charming reward, but idk if trying to print them out would even work. I might have to get out a Windows laptop and beat the game on there and even then I'm not sure it would work because of how ancient this game is. It might be a nice trophy to have them on my wall after all these years.

JP3:DD might be the single most extreme example of a game that I absolutely adore for nostalgia reasons, but which I'd otherwise consider a bad game. Though the music is pretty good too so there's that. If and when I lose the ability to play this game I will genuinely be very sad because it's an iconic part of my childhood. Until then I can see myself revisiting this game every few years for that nostalgia blast.

(edit: also save files actually worked this time for some reason even though they didn't looking back at my previous post, so I didn't need to beat the whole thing in one sitting but I did anyway)