Do you think they will make Super Mario Galaxy for the DS?

Do you think they will make Super Mario Galaxy for the DS?

  • Yep.

    Votes: 2 5.7%
  • Meh, maybe.

    Votes: 3 8.6%

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Never heard of Mario Galaxy.

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • Mmmhh, maybe not...

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • No, the games we already have are great!

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • We don't need another Galaxy. I want original titles like SM3DL.

    Votes: 7 20.0%
  • SMG and it's sequel weren't that good, so I don't think so...

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Heck they won't make a Super Mario Galaxy for the DS. For the 3DS, however, I would not like to see

    Votes: 1 2.9%
  • 2 Galaxys are good. 3 is pushing it.

    Votes: 3 8.6%
  • Galaxy 3 would be pushing it, but it would probably still be fun. It would feel repetitive though an

    Votes: 3 8.6%

  • Total voters
Crackin355 said:
A Super Mario 64 Type of Game, No Star Spin though. And alot of worlds with 8 Stars.
You push for a completely new game, and then try to remake SMG3 into SM64-2?

Toad85 said:
Crackin355 said:
A Super Mario 64 Type of Game, No Star Spin though. And alot of worlds with 8 Stars.
You push for a completely new game, and then try to remake SMG3 into SM64-2?


The Way Mario 3D Platforming was years ago. We need something like that again. I'm not saying SM64-2, I never even said that, dont assume, makes you look like an idiot.

Some nice creative worlds too would be great.
We don't need another crappy Galaxy game.
Super Mario Galaxy 2 is one of the worse Mario game I've ever played. One is enough.
Atleast explain WHY it was bad before ranting like a moron.
The galaxy games were amazing IMO, everything about them oozed fun.
Galaxy 3 would be pushing it, but it would probably still be fun. It would feel repetitive though and quickly become boring.
I feel that SM3DL is kind of a rehashed version of the galaxies. There are many similar elements...
Nabber said:
I feel that SM3DL is kind of a rehashed version of the galaxies. There are many similar elements...

I don't think it feels like galaxy, it's just that some levels have galaxy-like elements. The Jump Flippy things and Blue, Yellow & Pink Dis/Re-appearing platforms.
Crackin355 said:
Nabber said:
I feel that SM3DL is kind of a rehashed version of the galaxies. There are many similar elements...

I don't think it feels like galaxy, it's just that some levels have galaxy-like elements. The Jump Flippy things and Blue, Yellow & Pink Dis/Re-appearing platforms.
Well, it's like they ported Galaxy to the 3DS, hacked it, and made new levels.
Doesnt feel like that to me. The controls feel completely different, the new levels feel like a whole new game, which it is and theres only those few levels that have Galaxy themes incorparated into them. It feels nothing like a Galaxy game IMO.
Yeah, how come I never misjudge distances in Galaxy?

3D Land has this slight feel, but that's about it.

BTW, I want another Super Mario 64/Sunshine game before we get another Galaxy.
I dunno, but it sure would be neat!
Nabber said:
Well, it's like they ported Galaxy to the 3DS, hacked it, and made new levels.

By that logic, Mario Galaxy is a ported, hacked, remade version of Super Mario 64.
Crackin355 said:
Toad85 said:
Crackin355 said:
A Super Mario 64 Type of Game, No Star Spin though. And alot of worlds with 8 Stars.
You push for a completely new game, and then try to remake SMG3 into SM64-2?


The Way Mario 3D Platforming was years ago. We need something like that again.
That's what I freaking meant.