I figure I may as well create a topic for my stuff.
This is where I'll post any sigs, sprites, or artwork I've created for now.
War Machine Signature
Nihilus Signature
Prepare to Drop Signature
Luigi Ski Signature
Iron Man "Flash" Signature
Gundam Signature
Frog Mario "Bloop" Signature
Frog Mario "Bloop" Signature (Animated)
Call of Duty Signature (Green)
Call of Duty Signature (Purple)
Brandon Flowers Signature
Republic Commandos "Boss" Signature
Admiral Bobbery Signature
Batman Signature
Knights of the Old Republic Bao-Dur Signature
Abstract Snow Signature
Abstract Ice Signature
Paper Mario 2 "Yoshi Kid" Signature
Big Bad War Machine Signature
The Killers "Boots" Signature
Aradia Megido Signature
Uncharted Signature
Terezi Pyrope Signature
Remilia Scarlet Signature (Requested by DP)
LittleBigPlanet Christmas Avatar
LittleBigPlanet Christmas Signature
Crashman Signature (Requested by Quizmo)
Protoman Signature (Requested by '3K)
Cryogonal Signature (Requested by MCD)
Rose Signature (Requested by SiFi)
Dishonored Signature (Requested by DP)
Animated Names:

Animated Text Request:
Since they were popular back in the day, I'm gonna go ahead and take up a few requests for animated text.
However, to make things easier for me, and so I can churn these things out faster, I won't be adding gradients to the text.
To help, I'd like to ask you keep whatever I'm animating short.
So if you're OrangeYoshi12345, I'll probably end up removing the random numbers at the end.
The end result should be something like this:
So, just fill out this form:
Text color:
Outline color:
Fill out the colors in HTML color codes, please note that if a specific HTML color is not presented, I will not be tweaking your animated text if you are not pleased with the color chosen.
I'd like to ask that everyone be patient while I make these, since I'll be making them when I have some spare time.
Text color: cyan
outline color: maroon
Text color: FFFF33
Outline: FFCC33
Text: Rin Kagamine
This is where I'll post any sigs, sprites, or artwork I've created for now.
War Machine Signature
Nihilus Signature
Prepare to Drop Signature
Luigi Ski Signature
Iron Man "Flash" Signature
Gundam Signature
Frog Mario "Bloop" Signature
Frog Mario "Bloop" Signature (Animated)
Call of Duty Signature (Green)
Call of Duty Signature (Purple)
Brandon Flowers Signature
Republic Commandos "Boss" Signature
Admiral Bobbery Signature
Batman Signature
Knights of the Old Republic Bao-Dur Signature
Abstract Snow Signature
Abstract Ice Signature
Paper Mario 2 "Yoshi Kid" Signature
Big Bad War Machine Signature
The Killers "Boots" Signature
Aradia Megido Signature
Uncharted Signature
Terezi Pyrope Signature
Remilia Scarlet Signature (Requested by DP)
LittleBigPlanet Christmas Avatar
LittleBigPlanet Christmas Signature
Crashman Signature (Requested by Quizmo)
Protoman Signature (Requested by '3K)
Cryogonal Signature (Requested by MCD)
Rose Signature (Requested by SiFi)
Dishonored Signature (Requested by DP)
Animated Names:

Animated Text Request:
Since they were popular back in the day, I'm gonna go ahead and take up a few requests for animated text.
However, to make things easier for me, and so I can churn these things out faster, I won't be adding gradients to the text.
To help, I'd like to ask you keep whatever I'm animating short.
So if you're OrangeYoshi12345, I'll probably end up removing the random numbers at the end.
The end result should be something like this:

So, just fill out this form:
Text color:
Outline color:
Fill out the colors in HTML color codes, please note that if a specific HTML color is not presented, I will not be tweaking your animated text if you are not pleased with the color chosen.
I'd like to ask that everyone be patient while I make these, since I'll be making them when I have some spare time.
outline color: maroon
Text color: FFFF33
Outline: FFCC33
Text: Rin Kagamine