Abortion: Your Stand

Is abortion the killing of another life?

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Depends on the situation; if the woman got pregneant (spelling?) normally (we all know where babies come from and I'm not going into detail) and if nothing goes wrong in the process, then the baby shouldn't be aborted because:

1. If the woman didn't want to have a baby, she shouldn't have you know, gotten busy.
2. It's unfair to the baby. Why should the baby who did nothing wrong die just becuase some dumb adults made some poor decisions?

However, if something does go wrong and the woman or doctor know it's gonna happen, then it might be better to put the baby out of his/her misery.
Kick Buttowski said:
Depends on the situation; if the woman got pregneant (spelling?) normally (we all know where babies come from and I'm not going into detail) and if nothing goes wrong in the process, then the baby shouldn't be aborted because:

1. If the woman didn't want to have a baby, she shouldn't have you know, gotten busy.
2. It's unfair to the baby. Why should the baby who did nothing wrong die just becuase some dumb adults made some poor decisions?

However, if something does go wrong and the woman or doctor know it's gonna happen, then it might be better to put the baby out of his/her misery.
On your second point if you hunt it's unfair to the animal you killed or if you fish it's unfair to the fish you killed hell if you squish a fly it's unfair the fly you killed
I am pro-choice all the way. No, I am not a cold-blooded baby killer, some people may call me. I understand that killing a fetus is something I wouldn't enjoy doing, but I rather focus on myself first. I mean, I should be able to control my body, not some other people. Being a female myself, I do not want people interfering with my giving birth.

Think about it. Why do women plan abortion? To get rid of unwanted babies. If abortion was banned, we would have much more unwanted children and these children could suffer more than aborted fetuses.

Yes, women do get unwanted pregnancies, and abstinence from sexual intercourse is much, much tougher than it looks. It's not because they made a poor decision.

Some people argue that fetuses aren't even babies yet. They are just a developing cell. I have no stand on this part.

It all boils down on this, though. People shouldn't abort fetuses based on gender or any of the sort. That's just cold-blooded infanticide. But, if women need abortions because they do not feel ready for a baby, then they should obtain one.

This is my opinion. Just don't flame me because on something so serious like this, it's just going to get worse.
Ornithologist Mario said:
I am pro-choice all the way. No, I am not a cold-blooded baby killer, some people may call me. I understand that killing a fetus is something I wouldn't enjoy doing, but I rather focus on myself first. I mean, I should be able to control my body, not some other people. Being a female myself, I do not want people interfering with my giving birth.

Think about it. Why do women plan abortion? To get rid of unwanted babies. If abortion was banned, we would have much more unwanted children and these children could suffer more than aborted fetuses.

Yes, women do get unwanted pregnancies, and abstinence from sexual intercourse is much, much tougher than it looks. It's not because they made a poor decision.

Some people argue that fetuses aren't even babies yet. They are just a developing cell. I have no stand on this part.

It all boils down on this, though. People shouldn't abort fetuses based on gender or any of the sort. That's just cold-blooded infanticide. But, if women need abortions because they do not feel ready for a baby, then they should obtain one.

This is my opinion. Just don't flame me because on something so serious like this, it's just going to get worse.

Well-said. You explained my exact feelings better than I ever could.
Ornithologist Mario said:
Yes, women do get unwanted pregnancies, and abstinence from sexual intercourse is much, much tougher than it looks. It's not because they made a poor decision.

Um, no it's not hard...I'm not sexually active, so yeah. It's not hard to do.
Ornithologist Mario said:
If abortion was banned, we would have much more unwanted children and these children could suffer more than aborted fetuses.

I guess I can kind of see that point. Kind of like a "out of the frying pan and into the fire" kind of situation. But my common sense tells me that if the children are unwanted, they could just get dropped off at an orphnage or the parent(s) could find someone else to take care of the baby. Which kind of makes me wonder about something; if the women who WANT to have kids and get pregneant, why don't they just adopt? They could start a family WITHOUT making the planet even more over crowded, and by not getting pregneant, they can avoid all sorts of mishap, (abortion, miscarriage, birth defects).
Many parents have a deeper connection with children to whom they are related.
Mrs. Hedlund said:
Ornithologist Mario said:
Yes, women do get unwanted pregnancies, and abstinence from sexual intercourse is much, much tougher than it looks. It's not because they made a poor decision.

Um, no it's not hard...I'm not sexually active, so yeah. It's not hard to do.

I never experienced sex before, but I think abstinence is just against nature. Animals are here to survive and reproduce, so I never really understood the concept of abstinence.

Anyway, I'm a little bit drifting, but I wouldn't like to be a kid that was the result of an unwanted pregnancy and then orphaned. That sounds cold.
Condoms don't guarantee 100% safety though. Even with condoms, there's still a chance the woman could get pregneant, or worse, both participants could get STD.
Luigi Bandicoot said:
I chose that I consider it killing another life. Even if the baby wasn't born yet, you kill a future life. IDC what you say guys.
You ever killed a bug cause thats ending a life
Luigi Bandicoot said:
I chose that I consider it killing another life. Even if the baby wasn't born yet, you kill a future life. IDC what you say guys.

I think it's killing life, too, but I would rather have a choice. It's a tough choice sometimes. Should I get something I am going to be extremely responsible for or should I abandon the child?

Kick Buttowski said:
Condoms don't guarantee 100% safety though. Even with condoms, there's still a chance the woman could get pregneant, or worse, both participants could get STD.

Abstinence can be unrealistic, though. Abstinence is the only 100% choice, but it's not the best choice, in my opinion.
Even abstinence isn't foolproof (unless you want to for complete chastity or, if desired, sterilization).
Uh, kind of, the definition, of uh, abstinence, is uh, yeah... I dont think you understand what abstinence is. It is complete chastity. It's 100% impossible to get pregnant or an std while practicing abstinence.

(Of course, abstinence isnt meant to be practiced life long, the theory being you stop being abstinent once you get married. That's kind of the definition of abstinence. So uh, yeah. It kind of is foolproof. Until after marriage, of course.)
If you are participating in the last ten posts and haven't read Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, I suggest you do so immediately.
Brock said:
Uh, kind of, the definition, of uh, abstinence, is uh, yeah... I dont think you understand what abstinence is. It is complete chastity. It's 100% impossible to get pregnant or an std while practicing abstinence.

(Of course, abstinence isnt meant to be practiced life long, the theory being you stop being abstinent once you get married. That's kind of the definition of abstinence. So uh, yeah. It kind of is foolproof. Until after marriage, of course.)

That's what I was referring to...abstinence as a temporary life choice until after marriage.
Kick Buttowski said:
Condoms don't guarantee 100% safety though. Even with condoms, there's still a chance the woman could get pregneant, or worse, both participants could get STD.
It's still a good 85%.
I love how we're having a discussion about whether or not it's OK to murder innocent children. Try to look at it from any other point of view - "they will just be problems", "they weren't wanted anyways", "they were born" - it's still murdering innocent children because of the stupidity of their parent(s).
Tell that to the woman who gets an ectopic pregnancy.
Marioguy1 said:
I love how we're having a discussion about whether or not it's OK to murder innocent children. Try to look at it from any other point of view - "they will just be problems", "they weren't wanted anyways", "they were born" - it's still murdering innocent children because of the stupidity of their parent(s).

Reasons for abortion is more complicated than that.
Marioguy1 said:
I love how we're having a discussion about whether or not it's OK to murder innocent children. Try to look at it from any other point of view - "they will just be problems", "they weren't wanted anyways", "they were born" - it's still murdering innocent children because of the stupidity of their parent(s).

That kind of reminds me of this TVTrope