
I had i dream that i was watching telly, and it turned off then i died
I had a dream last night that involved Portal and a baby Equius.

Also GLaDOS sang the Battle of Fort Mc'Henry (Star-Spangled Banner).
I had a dream that my house turned into a school apartment and a bunch of people I knew from primary school lived in my sisters room and came into my room and started walking on the roof.

i had a dream where a Yamask was in the Flipside Pit of 100 Trials and the room it was in was full of Ferroseeds that were doing the exact same thing Spanias do in SPM.
Last night I had a dream where Eevee evolved into a normal type Eeveelution and I continued training him and then he digivolved... ._.
Yoshiwalker said:
I had a dream where that Post Damage Invincibility guy got banned.



Nice one Wakeo my boy.

I dreamt that I got an A* in my algebra exam, hopefully a good sign!
SKmarioman said:
I once had a dream that I was playing Wii games on my PSP. When I woke up I was holding a PSP in my hands.
Similar dream I once had: I was dreaming I was in Johnny Test (which is a terrible show imo). Johnny Test was on airing on a TV downstairs while I had a dream of this...
I had a new one last night where I was walking around my local theater, then I climbed up to a third floor and looked into a few projection booths. Then I managed to walk into the theaters themselves but the screens were missing! There were curtains there instead! It was weird!
Last night I had a dream that both Quizmo's and YW's mafias got canceled, I got happy, but then it turned out MG1 was letting a ton of other shitty mafias go before CN mafia.

Last night it thundered, which is rare, and this is my dream seconds before the thunder blew over: I was staring at a table with decorations on it, but when the thunder rolled over my house, causing it to shake, all the decorations violently blew off the table and the entire dream turned into negative colors. Afterwards, I woke up and pulled back the blinds saying, "End of the world already?" I couldn't go to sleep for two hours because of the adrenaline.
Pyro said:
Last night I had a dream that both Quizmo's and YW's mafias got canceled, I got happy, but then it turned out MG1 was letting a ton of other shitty mafias go before CN mafia.

Hey fuck you too.
I dreamed that I won a Wii U and played it but gamestop worker couldn't tell me what day or Wii U's price
Pyro said:
We all have dreams, don't we? This is a thread to discuss your dreams and/or nightmares.

I'm the kind of person that has extremely odd dreams. Last night my radio accidentley went off and a full minute of the radio snuck into my dream.
Same! I once had a dream when I had the radio on: I was at Hogwarts, and the radio was playing, and Prof. Trelawney just out of nowhere broke into song and dance! 8)
I had a dream that Paper Yoshi was a forum mod.

it was cooool
I had a dream I was watching some new episode of Friendship is Magic and Twilight and Applejack kissed on-screen... I'm not even a shipper, so I don't know how that came to being.
A few weeks ago, I had this really random dream that is kinda hard to explain except for the last half of it. warning: i like getting into details

I was in this random neighborhood, when I realized that I had these sort of breath powers or whatever, because whenever I was blowing in one direction the wind would also blow in that direction. For some odd reason, the Sun began moving because of the wind. The setting sort of flickered back to right outside my house as this happened. I was randomly fooling around with my breath powers for a while when I somehow got this tiny telescope (about the size of a toothpick) in my hands. I look through the telescope the wrong way directly at the Sun. The Sun was just this orange disc now, and wasn't immensely bright, so I could stare into it without blinding myself. As I moved the telescope, the Sun moved along with it, so I was basically in control of the Sun's movement. But whenever I moved the Sun, the sky was still always like a sunset, even when I moved the Sun below the horizon. Speaking of that, I moved the Sun below the horizon with the telescope, then pulled it back up. A second sun popped out of the first, but the weird thing was that this Sun was wearing a top hat. I did it again, and now the Sun had this weird face in addition to the hat. I did the same thing with the Moon. Then I was trying to get everything back together again, and then some ghost person that look a lot like my mother came over and rearranged everything in the right place.

weird stuff
I had a terrible nightmare of an alligator killing people right to left and then was chasing me through my old house. But then like usual in nightmares I have, I knew in the last minute that it is all a dream, count to three, and I immediately wake up and sit up.
OMG LOL I have been reading this entire thread since noon (it's 8:40 pm now, you do the math) and my big bro and I (I read some out loud) have been cracking up.
Anyhoo, I think I'll start off with the earliest dream I can remember. I was either 3 or 4 when I had this. Oh yeah, and it was actually a nightmare.
Okay, I can't remember all the major details, but I'll try. There was this monster that resembled a mutant purple orange. It was a little over a meter in diameter if I recall*. It showed up in my kitchen and swallowed my brother, Dora, and Boots all in one gulp! So, as you can see, I was scared out of my wits very early on. I was able to round up everyone else in the house and we piled into my cousins' (once removed) minivan. Then we were on a highway that had the sea on the right side of the road, and a towering mountainside on the left. I looked back and :)eekdance:) THERE WAS THE MONSTER!!!! And now it was as big as the St Louis Gateway Arch*!!! My aunt put the peddle to the metal then! But then (I was behind the driver's seat btw) the passenger door flew off and I fell out of the van, but they kept going!! So then I climbed up the EXTREMELY high, EXTREMELY steep mountainside. You'll never guess who I met at the top. THE MONSTER!!!!! No, just kidding. Actually, it was my Sunday school class. They had an extra chair open for me! :) On the ledge :-\. But I didn't care about that minor detail (In fact, I just realized now that it was on the edge. huh, only took 11-12 years to figure it out). I took a seat, looked down, and, lo and behold, there was the monster, glaring up at me! At first I was scared, but then, I noticed my friend Thomas was smiling. I looked back down and realized- the monster couldn't climb! :toad: An that's when I woke up.
*Any and all measurements of the monster is calculated by my now more experienced and educated 15-year-old mind. IE: when I had this nigthmare, I did not know what a "meter", a "diameter", a "St Louis Gateway Arch", or even a "St Louis" was! (lol "a" St louis)
Keep dreaming, folks! It keeps us entertained! (wow that was cheesey)