

sounds like

an amazing dream

EDIT: Sorry, I double-posted before:

Bane said:
Mariomario64 said:
I think once a few months ago, after I woke up in the middle of the early morning and decided to go to sleep for another couple hours, I sort of knew I was in a dream, so I tried making myself float around. I floated out of my bed and tried to go down the stairs and out of my house, but I wasn't very good at controlling it. I managed to do it anyway. Then I either went into a regular dream or just woke up.

It was awesome.
Yeah, my theory is that the first few lucid dreams you have, you immediately wake up, in shock of your realisation. Then you slowly progress to staying in your dreams, and, though not very well, are in control of your dreams. Afterwards you become more interested in lucidity, you start to fathom the possibilities that you can have in these dreams, and sooner or later, you can control any lucid dream you get with perfection. You can even get to a point where you can tell in almost any dream that you're dreaming, like me.
Actually, I've been reading a bunch of stuff on this one website, and I found out what happened:

http://www.world-of-lucid-dreaming.com/10-mistakes-made-by-beginner-lucid-dreamers.html said:
You'll get stuck in a semi-lucid state - partially able to control yourself, but unable to really control anything else. What's more, you'll find the dream just too blurry to appreciate on a conscious level, and you'll eventually forget you're dreaming and it will descend into a regular non-lucid dream.
^ This is exactly what happened
Gideon Gordon Graves said:
I always realize I'm a dream right before I wake up.
holy shit! You are a dream? That's incredible. What's it like?
Bane said:
You had a dream for a whole month?!

Jesus, you must have needed to be tube fed!
No, that was not the case. I simply had the entire dream in one night, but that night happened for a month ago.
then how are you existing right now

you've created a PARADOX
Pi said:
I think my last school dream involved me investigating secret rooms within the school (there was a big door lock that needed random elements from the periodic table to open it, including Uuo) with a Samus-style Power Suit, complete with Morph Ball.

Very strange. And there weren't any enemies so I never really got to blast anything.
I kind of forget what my dream was about, but most of my dreams I remember tend to be me living out my life regularly. Then I wake up and think I've already done stuff that I haven't.
Last night I had a dream where a bunch of stuff happened but I can't really explain it in order since it kinda repeated itself. I think one part was where I was driving down a highway with the telephone/electric poles behind me falling down, and I was rushing to get back home on some sort of foresty road. Then in one part I was going around to all these old trains (I was traveling through time to get to them I think...?) and writing on these cardboard things in the cab doors of them. Then in some other part I was in this small toy room with my little brother and random stuff happened.

That's the best I can do to explain this stuff.
Radagast the Brown said:
Don't necropost. It just gets people pissed.

Anyways, I had a dream where I was a Vocaloid, then I married Len. :)

The end
Still, bumping an old topic isn't good. Especially when you just say "Bump."

It's poinless.
You stated that you were too lazy to bump this topic, now you're saying it's bad to bump topics. Ergo, you would have bumped the topic, except you were too lazy. Now you're saying it's bad to bump old topics. QED, you're jealous that this topic has become active once again, since you want your new topic to become more active.

End of story, this topic is active now, the mods can merge the two topics to their liking.
Radagast the Brown said:
You stated that you were too lazy to bump this topic, now you're saying it's bad to bump topics. Ergo, you would have bumped the topic, except you were too lazy. Now you're saying it's bad to bump old topics. QED, you're jealous that this topic has become active once again, since you want your new topic to become more active.

End of story, this topic is active now, the mods can merge the two topics to their liking.
Well screw you.

That's not what I meant.

I'm not fucking jealous!