
Mariomario64 said:
Earlier I downloaded some audio that could potentially help me have a lucid dream tonight.
good luck to me

also Neptune if I have a lucid dream tonight I will be sure to plop you into it randomly in your honor if I have control, since you were the reason I found out about lucid dreaming in the first place

Audio? What audio?
haven't dreamed for a looong time
I used to have this weird re-occurring dream, where evil murdering lions were trying to break into my house, and I was trapped in my room.
Quäckenbirdt said:
I used to have this weird re-occurring dream, where evil murdering lions were trying to break into my house, and I was trapped in my room.

I sometimes have this dream, but with zombies instead. How annoying.
Cirdec said:
Quäckenbirdt said:
I used to have this weird re-occurring dream, where evil murdering lions were trying to break into my house, and I was trapped in my room.

I sometimes have this dream, but with zombies instead. How annoying.

last night I had a dream about a Pokemon Snap 3DS

it was only in it for a couple of seconds though
Had this odd dream about a theme park.
OMG... Weird dream... I dreamt I met one of the Wiki members... Won't tell which one... He desires to remain anonymous...
I had a strange dream that I was in a Pokemon Anime Episode and Team Rocket stole someone's Pokemon and I was helping them look for them, and we were in a forest, and finally I found them as they were about to take off in their blimp, and then I started beginning to realize I was in a dream and I was getting ready to wake up, so I kind of started fading out of the dream and it turned into me daydreaming about it as I looked at the clock.
Today I experienced something strange. It was a nightmare, but it didn't have any visuals. There was only sound.
When I was younger, I would always watch "Fetch, with Ruff Ruffman!" or "Max & Ruby". So one night, I had a dream that was completely black, but I heard everything instead. I heard Ruff Ruffman said, "Go to the left!" Then I heard another voice. "Right?" I was assuming he went right, because Ruff Ruffman started yelling, "No, DON'T GO RIGHT!!" Finally, I heard the voice of Max's robot from "Max and Ruby". Honestly, I can't remember what it said, but when I was younger, it creeped the heck out of me.
Here is one of my dreams, I first was in a town that was kind of a mix between France and China and I was at a bus stop. I went on the bus and saw an old woman and a Chinese woman with her son. I overheard them and found out that her son had fleas. She pulled out 2 needles and stuck one at the tip and one on the side of his index finger. When I saw that, the bus was moving, but the doors were still open so I jumped of the bus. After that, I woke up. Stay tuned for more.
King Antasma said:
chillv said:
Stay tuned for more.
lol, what is this, the news?
No, I just have more to say but less time to say it. I have to go to bed soon. It's 10:56 PM where I live.
I dreamt that I had a gun in my hand. It was so confusing... I remember about a Triffid, a gun in my hand, a girl.... WHAT????