
I had a dream where I was painting a wall with some other wiki admins. But it was hard because it had to transition from light blue to greenish and then back to blue, and paint rollers don't lend themselves to the artistic, swirly cloud-like blending of colours we were aiming for. Also one end just cut directly to black, but with an orange border of explosion/fire-looking patterns, which was even harder to do with the paint rollers, and somehow represented Wario, so I guess the whole thing was an abstract mural about the wiki's subject matter? Then just as we were getting close to finishing, everything turned into the ugly dark purple colour I always ended up with when I combined my blue and red paints as a kid - complete with patches that were more or less red or blue, so I was like "raeg".
Eri Ayase said:
i had the weirdest nightmare ever last night

i was playing skyward sword on xbox one and toon link was in it alongside regular link

>tfw wind waker haunts your dreams

part 2 last night.

I was playing Twilight Princess HD but it looked like Wind Waker.

I dreamt some guy named blueyoshi got promoted by pi and thought "who is this guy, and why is he being promoted"
I had a dream where there were wandals in the wiki and when I investigated further in their message posts in another website, they wandalized because I have an over-the-top hatred of Yoshi and that was somehow inexcusable, so they wandalized to spite me.

A few nights ago I dreamt I was on this season of Survivor on the Brain team. A teammate had a family emergency. Then somehow we ended up in my grandmother's condo.
I just woke up from a really flipping strange nightmare.

My family and I were down in Pennsylvania in our house and there was this super historic bad storm coming and I think we let this married couple stay in our house for the storm. The married couple was actually like a strange older version of a married Let's Play channel that I watch but they were like really old and the guy was bald and had a gray beard and was the super typical old psycho man with a gray beard.

So idk I guess the dream progressed until the night because all I can remember is being stuck in a bathroom with god freaking terrifying red-clothed vikings with huge freaking axes trying to get in to kill me. They finally succeeded in getting in and tossed me back with my parents and we were able to get out to our car to escape because there was no one outside. So we get to the corner of our property, get in the car, and then the old creepy guy comes outside holding some wagon and starts running after us and we quickly drive away and I can see him throwing the wagon on the ground shaking his fists.

The last memory I have is waking up (still in the dream) in our apartment in Vermont flipping terrified. My dad was at work and I was home with my mom expressing my concern A LOT that if anything these guys were on their way to Vermont to get us. So I sit out at the kitchen table and start eating some ravioli or something and check my laptop to check their twitter (first off, I had msn up and the lead story was about President Ted Cruz feeling other people's pains and the banner had him standing like a super important religious figure and I'm like shaking my head like wat) and their twitter was all decked out in like old England-decorative type of pictures because this storm had been named after a Queen or something, and then it turned out their twitter was completely fine and it was actually them.

And then I woke up for real! I'm still equally terrified and dying at how stupid my nightmares are.
I just dreamed about something involving Fluffin' Puffin Babysitting's soundtrack.

What was it? I have no idea.
I had a dream last night where I made a snowboarding game starring Packy that became a meme.

Also in my dream, Barry Gibb died.
Not too long ago I dreamt I was a shapeshifting humanoid in a grocery store. I also was running from the law. Edo got involved somehow too.

Another dream I had a while back involved me in a car with Donnie Wahlberg on Cape Cod. Don't ask why.

E: I do a lot of daydreaming in science class, mostly about game shows.

I had a dream a few weeks ago that I got my entire face painted green then mutated into an anthropomorphic turtle.
Last night I dreamed about a 3D Platformer for Kirby. The controls were all messed up, and the Plasma ability was impossible.
I don't remember what I dreamed last night, but the night before I dreamed about me in a Bowser's Castle-esque place with one of the wiki users I'm friends with. My pastor and songleading teacher were involved too.
I very rarely get dreams in which something creative comes to me. Like, sometimes these dreams are about premises for new fiction projects or something, or solutions to problems I had in terms of storywriting. Today I had a dream about being chased by wasps, and when I woke up, a silly little poem was in my head.

I'm going to write it down and dedicate it to 2257:

If I was a bee,
I would stalk you endlessly,
'cause from the heavens to the ground,
you are the sweetest thing around.
Aww, so cute (as well as kinda awkward at the second line).

On topic, I don't remember what I dreamt last night.
Hey, you write a poem and try to pay attention to perfect metre and rhymes while you're asleep.
Dr. Alphys said:
Hey, you write a poem and try to pay attention to perfect metre and rhymes while you're asleep.

I could write a poem while I'm awake, but definitely not while I'm asleep.
Me fighting Bayonneta, ugg that nightmare has plagued me for the past week. :mad: :mad:
Kirstie Maldonado said:
I just woke up from a really flipping strange nightmare.

My family and I were down in Pennsylvania in our house and there was this super historic bad storm coming and I think we let this married couple stay in our house for the storm. The married couple was actually like a strange older version of a married Let's Play channel that I watch but they were like really old and the guy was bald and had a gray beard and was the super typical old psycho man with a gray beard.

So idk I guess the dream progressed until the night because all I can remember is being stuck in a bathroom with god freaking terrifying red-clothed vikings with huge freaking axes trying to get in to kill me. They finally succeeded in getting in and tossed me back with my parents and we were able to get out to our car to escape because there was no one outside. So we get to the corner of our property, get in the car, and then the old creepy guy comes outside holding some wagon and starts running after us and we quickly drive away and I can see him throwing the wagon on the ground shaking his fists.

The last memory I have is waking up (still in the dream) in our apartment in Vermont flipping terrified. My dad was at work and I was home with my mom expressing my concern A LOT that if anything these guys were on their way to Vermont to get us. So I sit out at the kitchen table and start eating some ravioli or something and check my laptop to check their twitter (first off, I had msn up and the lead story was about President Ted Cruz feeling other people's pains and the banner had him standing like a super important religious figure and I'm like shaking my head like wat) and their twitter was all decked out in like old England-decorative type of pictures because this storm had been named after a Queen or something, and then it turned out their twitter was completely fine and it was actually them.

And then I woke up for real! I'm still equally terrified and dying at how stupid my nightmares are.
Wow the Grey Man from Pawley's Island had visited Pennsylvania in your dream! :eek:
hey don't call me that! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
ok It's a joke. 8)