
Gene Rayburn said:
Last night I dreamed that YoshiKong promoted me and A51 to patrollers and demoted a bunch of non-existent admins for various reasons, mostly inactivity. Oh yeah, and Lucy Liu was there for some reason.

That actually sounds quite funny! To quote King K. Rool from the DKC cartoon when he fired General Klump:
You have been...de-generalized!
I had a dream that IRC gained an autoplay feature, where any music or video linked started playing automatically.

They didn't stop playing if another started, too. It was as terrible as you think.
I dreamt last night that I got a 34 kill streak on GoldenEye Wii against two hackers, with me using the Golden Gun. This is far below my actual streak record of 57 however.
I had a pretty weird dream where the Super Bowl was Browns vs. Raiders and the Browns actually won (this is impossible, because both teams are in the same conference, and because the Browns are terrible). I'm not even a fan of those teams.
Oh boy, last night was a doozy in the dream world, lemme tell you.

So I was in this place that was kinda like a Wal-Mart, just a lot more barren. It was after some kind of apocalypse or something If I'm remembering right, more on why I think that later. Anyway, I was in this Wal-Mart, and someone tells me I should head to some place - I don't remember where - and I met up with a bunch of Mario characters like Luigi and Toadsworth for some reason. There were also four or five humans too. So we all meet each other, say hi, yada yada yada, then one of the guys says that everyone in our group has some kind of alternate form (which is why I think it was after some kind of apocalypse), as well as some other people in the building. He says we all have to go through this obstacle course, or we won't be able to beat the other people in the building, who were apparently evil. That's where things get interesting.

So we went down into this room that was pretty much empty except for a star platform on the floor and a metal door like the ones from Mario 64. The guy starts talking to everyone again, and he says after we go through that door, there's going to be a bunch of things happening and if just one of us does something wrong like fall off, everyone gets teleported back to the room we were in. So we go through the door, and there's this place that looks like a small version of Puzzle of the Vanish Cap from Star Road. There's these narrow platforms, narrow meaning you could walk on them but you'd have to walk as straight as possible, and you could either go left, which had a higher platform with a Power Star on it, or right which didn't have anything. All of us went right except Luigi, who got the Power Star. When he did that, everyone had to go back to the first room.

This time, we all just sprinted to the door as fast as possible, and started over. Everyone went to the right path this time. Everyone made it through there, and there was another door. The guy who explained everything before said that there were only two more of these types of rooms, but they would be much harder to traverse. He also said that another star room was after the next room, and star rooms have checkpoints in them. I don't remember much between then and the end, but I do remember that we made it through the last room, came back into the Wal-Mart, left, and went out into the parking lot. The guy from before asked us how it felt to save a whole city, and we all just responded "Yeah it's great," y'know, that kind of jazz. Anyway, I started walking out toward the far end of the parking lot and saw a whole bunch of people transforming in their cars. I got to almost the edge of the parking lot and got into a car. It had Ellen DeGeneres in it. Anyway, I said "I'm a Yoshi at heart" and started transforming into one.

That's when I woke up.
Dreamed about a camping trip where the sleeping bags would fly at night, with people in them. I was paranoid about falling off. Later, I was in a van that was driving on an icy bridge over a huge chasm with no railings. I was paranoid about that too. Finally, I was on a large ship in a stormy sea. The ship was being destroyed so I jumped off and drowned. I woke up then.
Pyro said:
We all have dreams, don't we? This is a thread to discuss your dreams and/or nightmares.

I'm the kind of person that has extremely odd dreams. Last night my radio accidentley went off and a full minute of the radio snuck into my dream.

I had a dream about anime, I forgot what is was about.

A nightmare I had was when my sister's hand, finger, or toe got cut off by a car (do not even ask me how I had that dream) and she may have died. I forget these dreams, though.
i had a dream last night that i found a secret thing in the original super mario bros or at the very least a similar looking game (it involved mario's attire being purple through a hidden power-up or w/e)

the way of unlocking it involved a large furniture shop house à la ikea (irl, not sure what the connection to the game was) where i was stuck in for the majority of the dream. also it was mostly unlit. strangely enough i came past a bunch of guys (who i think wew supposed to represent the irl guys from uni i hang out with recently) around what i assumed was a sort of campfire (might just appear that way because the rest of the floor wasnt lit) on one of the shop floors.

oh yeah the reason i was there in the first place was that i was remembering where to go in the dream apparently. idk it was very detailed acutally.

i got interrupted by my alarm clock while i was chatting with the guys from earlier.

worth noting that this isnt the first time i had a dream like this, i remember something similar happening a few weeks ago, which may or may not be why dream me felt like remembering where to go.
It was actually her car but, yeah. Ellen DeGeneres in the same car as me is definitely pretty funny. Also, for the sake of slow internet connections, if you're going to quote a long post like mine, edit out everything but the part you want to mention so it doesn't add unnecessary loading time to crappy internet connections like mine.
I had TWO dreams last night. One of them was like a movie of sorts, where I was taken to a house and then got into a vehicle with Sarah Palin (I have absolutely no idea why) and some Australian guy and we were driving off of cliffs onto trees and crap like that. The second dream was some sort of 3rd person shooter sort of thing where, while waiting for a boat, someone had to fight off skeletal Gruntilda (from Banjo-Tooie) before she fully reassembled herself and she would make an evil cackle if not defeated and would make SOMETHING (not sure what) happen. There was also a REALLY foggy part of the dock area where she would reassemble more quickly.

to keep with the spirit of the dream, this entire story will be one long run on paragraph.

the last dream i had was really weird, it started out as like, a meet and greet party for moving into a new apartment complex, and everyone was getting to know each other out on the lawn, except there was a kitchen inside, like how they have a cut out set for filming sitcoms or how you build an outdoor room in sims, just three walls and a kitchen sitting out in the back of the lawn, and i was sitting on the kitchen counter eating and drinking my cherry coke, and people started gathering around me to talk. and we started to get to know each other, i was sitting up on like, a back raised part of the counter, and someone started making like one of those giant hero sandwhiches on the counter in front of the sink that my feet were dangling over, and i was like "ok, this guy is a weirdo, why is he making a sandwich under where my feet are hanging" so i kinda moved them to the side out of the way. and then a girl sat down next to me and started talking to me, and here i was trying not to get my feet in this guys sandwich because he couldnt be assed to move somewhere i wasnt already sitting, while also talking to this girl. and then she started snuggling me so i held her hand. and then i finally got fed up with sandwich guy and left to do something else and look for food. i dont remember what the food was, but i ate it. and then i tried to get back to my sodas which i left in the kitchen, but the crowd was too big and swept me all the way down the yard to the other side. and for some reason i ended up infront of an interview/autograph signing station with my least favorite hockey player Andrew MacDonald, but i couldnt just say that to his face that i didnt want his autograph, because thats rude, so i made small talk with him, and he was really nice, and so i did eventually get his autograph and told him that i thought he was great and if he just worked out some kinks in his game he could be better. but then i left freed of my obligation, and went to get my cherry coke, but everyone at the kitchen was drinking MY cherry coke that i brought for MY self, and it was all gone. ;-; then suddenly a general showed up and handed out machine guns, and organized us into squads like paintball or something, i got paired with my brother who appeared out of no where, and there was some furry alien lizard monster who was hunting us down, and it was suddenly night. so we hid behind a couch, in a random living room that appeared out of no where in the middle of the yard, to prepar and ambush. and instead of the lizard monster hunting us down, the general showed up out of no where and started shooting at our couch, so we returned fire, but none of our shots hit him and the ones that did didnt work, and thats when i woke up. it was the weirdest dream i can remember. the best part i remember most vividly was the ~lewd~ hand holding, and the random boot camp monster stalking us, and also people stealing my soda. that last one was the most traumatic.
RandomDSPlayer said:
and some Australian guy

GBA maybe?

Last night I dreamed that I was recording a video on my phone for YouTube and I went out into the woods behind the house I lived in for about 10 years of my life. I found like 10 Yoshi eggs, so I picked one up and it hatched. I said something to my phone like "That's cool" or something, and I named him Bentley for some reason. I brought him to my car, which I had for some reason (musta been the future or something again, I dunno) and cranked the heat up to keep him warm, then I brought him home and put him on my bed. Then my goddang alarm went off. I was actually enjoying that too!