The 10 Free GBA games for 3DS Ambassadors have been revealed

And the same villain.
I think.
When I told my cousin, he was so jealous. He'll play it when he sleeps over next week.
Whoops, too bad I'm not an ambassador....

(I've always wanted to play WL4 or a GBA Fire Emblem game ffff)

Pokémon Trainer Red said:

I think there would be problems with the internal batteries.
Pokémon Trainer Red said:

Part of the fun of the Pokemon games were the multiplayer aspect. You couldn't get that if it was an ambassador game.
Fawfulfury65 said:
I'm on like chapter 7 in FE. Coming towards the third temple in Minish Cap.
I'm around Chaper 9. Or 8, one of those too.

Third already? I haven't even finished the 1st one. Better take a break from Fire Emblem......
I'm on chapter 6 on FE and the second dungeon in MC (been playing Fusion)
I'm on Chapter 5 of Fire Emblem, past the third dungeon in Minish Cap, and almost done with Wario Land 4. I have yet to play Yoshi's Island.

Also, that one spider boss in Metroid Fusion was insane. Holy shit. I thought it was going to be Ridley for sure, but nope, giant spider comes and swoops me up and causes 200 damage to me.
Gamefreak75 said:
I'm on Chapter 5 of Fire Emblem, past the third dungeon in Minish Cap, and almost done with Wario Land 4. I have yet to play Yoshi's Island.

Also, that one spider boss in Metroid Fusion was insane. Holy shit. I thought it was going to be Ridley for sure, but nope, giant spider comes and swoops me up and causes 200 damage to me.

Yeah, I just beat that damn spider today. I haven't been so pissed at a game in a long time.
I would be farther in these games but I'm playing Skyward Sword and I get a limit on my video game time.
I actually haven't even touched Yoshi's Island yet. I don't need to, I already know it's amazing. :P

Fire Emblem has been a real pleasant surprise for me. I didn't think I'd like it as much as I do. I'm up to Chapter 6 on it. Kinda bummed at the lack of Marth, Roy, and/or Ike, though.
GLaDOS said:
I would be farther in these games but I'm playing Skyward Sword and I get a limit on my video game time.

That sucks.