Hurt & Heal: MLP: FiM

Twilight Sparkle: 17
Spike: 18
Applejack: 18
Pinkie Pie: 21
Rarity: 18
Rainbow Dash: 18
Fluttershy: 18
Apple Bloom: 16
Sweetie Belle
Twilight Sparkle: 17
Spike: 18
Applejack: 17
Pinkie Pie: 21
Rarity: 18
Rainbow Dash: 18
Fluttershy: 18
Apple Bloom: 15
Twilight Sparkle: 17
Spike: 18
Applejack: 16
Pinkie Pie: 21
Rarity: 18
Rainbow Dash: 18
Fluttershy: 18
Apple Bloom: 14
Twilight Sparkle: 17
Spike: 18
Applejack: 16
Pinkie Pie: 21
Rarity: 18
Rainbow Dash: 18
Fluttershy: 18
Apple Bloom: 12
Twilight Sparkle: 17
Spike: 18
Applejack: 16
Pinkie Pie: 21
Rarity: 18
Rainbow Dash: 18
Fluttershy: 18
Apple Bloom: 10
Twilight Sparkle: 17
Spike: 18
Applejack: 16
Pinkie Pie: 21
Rarity: 18
Rainbow Dash: 18
Fluttershy: 18
Apple Bloom: 8
Twilight Sparkle: 17
Spike: 18
Applejack: 16
Pinkie Pie: 21
Rarity: 18
Rainbow Dash: 18
Fluttershy: 18
Apple Bloom: 6
Twilight Sparkle: 17
Spike: 18
Applejack: 16
Pinkie Pie: 21
Rarity: 18
Rainbow Dash: 18
Fluttershy: 18
Apple Bloom: 4
Twilight Sparkle: 17
Spike: 18
Applejack: 16
Pinkie Pie: 21
Rarity: 18
Rainbow Dash: 18
Fluttershy: 18
Apple Bloom: 2
Twilight Sparkle: 17
Spike: 18
Applejack: 16
Pinkie Pie: 21
Rarity: 18
Rainbow Dash: 18
Fluttershy: 18
Twilight Sparkle: 17
Spike: 18
Applejack: 14
Pinkie Pie: 21
Rarity: 18
Rainbow Dash: 18
Fluttershy: 18
Time for things to get interesting.

Twilight Sparkle: 15
Spike: 18
Applejack: 14
Pinkie Pie: 21
Rarity: 18
Rainbow Dash: 18
Fluttershy: 18
Twilight Sparkle: 15
Spike: 12
Applejack: 12
Pinkie Pie: 21
Rarity: 18
Rainbow Dash: 18
Fluttershy: 18
Twilight Sparkle: 15
Spike: 12
Applejack: 12
Pinkie Pie: 21
Rarity: 18
Rainbow Dash: 18
Fluttershy: 18

Mistake on Spike's number. Sorry about that
oops, didn't see SM's post before.

Twilight Sparkle: 13
Spike: 12
Applejack: 12
Pinkie Pie: 21
Rarity: 18
Rainbow Dash: 18
Fluttershy: 18
Twilight Sparkle: 15
Spike: 12
Applejack: 10
Pinkie Pie: 21
Rarity: 18
Rainbow Dash: 18
Fluttershy: 18
Twilight Sparkle: 11
Spike: 10
Applejack: 10
Pinkie Pie: 21
Rarity: 18
Rainbow Dash: 18
Fluttershy: 18
Twilight Sparkle: 15
Spike: 10
Applejack: 10
Pinkie Pie: 21
Rarity: 20
Rainbow Dash: 18
Fluttershy: 18
Twilight Sparkle: 11
Spike: 8
Applejack: 8
Pinkie Pie: 21
Rarity: 20
Rainbow Dash: 18
Fluttershy: 18
Spike's my favorite, but I'm happy with Top 7. (and he has a win already)

(plus I'm taking out SM's favorite so it's only fair xD)

Twilight Sparkle: 10
Spike: 8
Applejack: 8
Pinkie Pie: 22
Rarity: 20
Rainbow Dash: 18
Fluttershy: 18