Tongue Twisters

She sells sea shells buy the sea shore

Because I can say it.
Okay guys, this isn't really a tongue twister, but trying repeating "Toy Boat" over and over again, and see what happens. :rolleyes:
Also, repeat Red Leather, Yellow Leather over and over again.

I love doing those ones.
Avid Arguers Against Annoying Alliteration.
NintendoQueen said:
Okay guys, this isn't really a tongue twister, but trying repeating "Toy Boat" over and over again, and see what happens. :rolleyes:
Also, repeat Red Leather, Yellow Leather over and over again.

I love doing those ones.
I keep saying it like Toibo at the 5th time.

My favorite is "How much wood can a Woodchuck chuck if a Woodchuck could chuck wood?"