Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Just so you all know, I have every fruit in the game now except for persimmons.

However, I can't let you guys in until I chop down all my non-fruit trees (wouldn't want to chop down a fruit tree by mistake!)
I suck at catching fish in this game. ._.

I could catch them left and right in the DS version... WHAT IS SO DIFFERENT THAT IT MAKES ME HORRIBLE AT DOING SO NOW?! D,X
New Super Mario said:
Rosy the Rascal said:
I hope not. I want to name my town Smashville. DX
Yeah, it's 8. That's why I couldn't do "Glitzville" and had to do "Hocotate".
Maybe I'll do... uh...

Flipside, Flopside, Fourside, Onett, Kasuto, Monstro, Rose, Seaside, Toad, Twilight, Wuhu, Yold, etc.
I wish I had this, I'm always missing out on AC :(
Then head right to the store and buy it now. Simple
I don't have a 3DS to begin with
Hey so I plan on buying this game today and it'll arrive sometime next week if I'm lucky. I have never played an Animal Crossing game before so I'm wondering if there's any tips I should know about.
Crackin355 said:
Hey so I plan on buying this game today and it'll arrive sometime next week if I'm lucky. I have never played an Animal Crossing game before so I'm wondering if there's any tips I should know about.
The post office/bank is your friend. You'll be spending a lot of Bells (in-game currency), and it's a good idea to have easy access to large quantities. There're a fair number of ways to make money, so find the one that works best for you (probably fishing/beetle-catching) and use it often. You'll find that the island in this game is a great place to do that. Play daily, as the state of your town and its characters changes in real-time. Things don't stop just because you're not playing. You'll also enjoy the game more if you don't time-travel to obtain certain things, since there's a lot of waiting you have to do.
I second M4E's advice, but I recommend just playing at your own pace. Don't let people look down on ya skip a few days.

(But I recommend just TTing a few days at a time, unless you like the sight of weeds)
Crash stop trying to indoctrinate new players into yoru evil ways.
Uniju said:
Crash stop trying to indoctrinate new players into yoru evil ways.

^I find that extremely ironic.
Mario4Ever said:
The post office/bank is your friend. You'll be spending a lot of Bells (in-game currency), and it's a good idea to have easy access to large quantities. There're a fair number of ways to make money, so find the one that works best for you (probably fishing/beetle-catching) and use it often. You'll find that the island in this game is a great place to do that. Play daily, as the state of your town and its characters changes in real-time. Things don't stop just because you're not playing. You'll also enjoy the game more if you don't time-travel to obtain certain things, since there's a lot of waiting you have to do.
Copper said:
I second M4E's advice, but I recommend just playing at your own pace. Don't let people look down on ya skip a few days.

(But I recommend just TTing a few days at a time, unless you like the sight of weeds)
Guys that's terrible advice! Time travelling takes away from the fun and realness of the game.
Started the reset centre project. Its going to take forever to donate enough.

Plus I spent 10 minuites screwing with my room. Now the HRA are going to love it as I have 3 mermaid set items and I put all my red stuff to the east of my room.
Not sure why you said "guys," NSM. Crash is the only one advocating for time-traveling at the moment.