Enter the Nega *(Hiatus-ized)*

Re: Enter the Nega *(ACCEPTING!)*

Banjo said:
Cap'n Falcon said:
Can I be in the story? You don't HAVE to include me.

Sure. I'll either cameo you or put you in the last major spot. Which do you prefer?
last major spot.
Okay. I promised myself that I'd never be a story-cancelling-guy, especially on a story no one cares about, so this story isn't cancelled. It is put on MORE-THAN-LIKELY-PERMANENT-BUT-NOT-100%-SURE-THAT-IT'S-PERMANENT-HIATUS.


1. I have changed my ideas for the story so much over time that if I go on with what I'm doing now, then there will be major plot holes. I hate plot holes.


3. I have an awesome idea for a better story.
There's nothing wrong on cancelling this story since it just barely started and will be deleted in that case.
Aw, I was hoping to appear. Oh well, at least I have Toad85's Star Trek story.
Cap'n Falcon said:
Aw, I was hoping to appear. Oh well, at least I have Toad85's Star Trek story.

Yeah. You were going to be the demonic/OCD master of forgetfulness, Krios.
Augie Doggie said:
Cap'n Falcon said:
Aw, I was hoping to appear. Oh well, at least I have Toad85's Star Trek story.

Yeah. You were going to be the demonic/OCD master of forgetfulness, Krios.
Forgetfulness? I didn't forget about it at all.