Minor Irritants (aka first-world problems)

I opened up a package of poptarts, but I was only hungry enough for one :(
someone (not saying who) on the forums has not seen StarWars, their identity is being kept secret for their own protection

(I assume this is a "complain about random stuff" thread, awesome ;D )

Politoed said:
I opened up a package of poptarts, but I was only hungry enough for one :(
I HATE when that happens, mostly because it never happens to me and none my friends/family is ever willing to give me their other pop tart :'(
Stargatedalek said:
(I assume this is a "complain about random stuff" thread, awesome ;D )

Well, it's more about complaining about "first-world problems", which is to go about moaning about things that provide a very minor inconvenience, rather than things that are a legitimate problem. Visit here for some examples: http://www.quickmeme.com/First-World-Problems/
I keep getting called in to work for full shifts almost every single day. Here I can socialise with colleagues I really like in an environment that's busy but rather carefree, occasionally getting free stuff from the many shop owners in the shopping centre.

I need the money and holiday leave as well, but I want some time to play games and write my 'Shroom sections, waaaaaah
Stargatedalek said:
someone (not saying who) on the forums has not seen StarWars, their identity is being kept secret for their own protection

(I assume this is a "complain about random stuff" thread, awesome ;D )

Politoed said:
I opened up a package of poptarts, but I was only hungry enough for one :(
I HATE when that happens, mostly because it never happens to me and none my friends/family is ever willing to give me their other pop tart :'(
You know I know it's me right! :mad:
yah I know Rin, sorry, I figured people wouldn't freak so much if I said it wasn't anyone specific

It doesn't seem it worked...
It's fine

When more than one person is RPing

It's stupid but it's cuz I always get lateposts. :mad:
Poke'mon black 2 is so much fun.... but I need sleep....

AWW Whatever!! screw sleep tranquil just evolved :evilgrin:
Stargatedalek said:
Poke'mon black 2 is so much fun.... but I need sleep....

AWW Whatever!! screw sleep tranquil just evolved :evilgrin:
...What does that have to do with anything?
Pokémon Trainer Rin Kagamine said:
Stargatedalek said:
Poke'mon black 2 is so much fun.... but I need sleep....

AWW Whatever!! screw sleep tranquil just evolved :evilgrin:
...What does that have to do with anything?

He would rather watch Tranquil evolve than sleep.
Gideon Gordon Graves said:
Pokémon Trainer Rin Kagamine said:
Stargatedalek said:
Poke'mon black 2 is so much fun.... but I need sleep....

AWW Whatever!! screw sleep tranquil just evolved :evilgrin:
...What does that have to do with anything?

She would rather watch Tranquil evolve than sleep.
fix'd (Not edited, I just corrected something.)

Well how is that a first world problem though?
Pokémon Trainer Rin Kagamine said:
Gideon Gordon Graves said:
Pokémon Trainer Rin Kagamine said:
Stargatedalek said:
Poke'mon black 2 is so much fun.... but I need sleep....

AWW Whatever!! screw sleep tranquil just evolved :evilgrin:
...What does that have to do with anything?

She would rather watch Tranquil evolve than sleep.
fix'd (Not edited, I just corrected something.)

Well how is that a first world problem though?

How is more than one person RPing a first world problem?

There's no point questioning what people say here. It's just a thread for posting complaints essentially.
You have a point. :-\

I guess I misenterpreted the meaning.
You want to complain? Look at these shoes! I've only had them three weeks and the heels are worn right through!
thats nothing, I wore out a pair of shoes in a day, got my foot stuck in a treadmill at the gym and lit my new shoe on fire :P
^Wow... Just... Wow...

When I have a horrible memory I can't forget. Like right now! D:
^Imagine working in a poorly air-conditioned shopping centre amidst large crowds, then

speaking of which, tonight at work sucked for various reasons that I don't care to list
Crocodile Dippy said:
^Imagine working in a poorly air-conditioned shopping centre amidst large crowds, then

speaking of which, tonight at work sucked for various reasons that I don't care to list

That would suck.
I used to go down to the pet store when I was bored and snuggle with the parrots, then the pet store moved across town to Bedford :'(
When I am in PAIN and it won't go away. :'(
(Like now)