Minor Irritants (aka first-world problems)

a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction

Examples: living dead, jumbo shrimp, same difference.

Althought now that I think of it, I used oxymoron wrong. That's embarrasing. I meant to say redundant.
Yeah, but even so the title is kind of wrong in terms of the adjective "Sadistic". There are many words that would fit better, but ŌP (the producer) must've had a reason

On a different note, I'm still pretty annoyed about V3 being ripped off. I was talking to my friend about it and she's all like "What if it's a different V3?" Um, it's not.
My room is right next to the furnace/heater, and so it's the warmest in the house.

It's nice when it's cold, but it's so stuffy during the day.
Smaug said:
..........................But it's so easy....

yes, and they're all considerably more intelligent then i am, but cant remember 3ds at all.

I normally just say DS, and my mom usually knows what I mean.

Also, my room is trashed again, but I have no motivation to clean it.

Edit: Sometimes I feel nearly everything I try to say gets criticized or recieves hate, even when I at least try to say something relevant and join in the conversation. It makes me feel like I don't belong here.

And I'm being honest about this. I've felt like this ever since I returned from that long-term disappearance, so don't say I'm being overdramatic.
Soundless Voice said:
Edit: Sometimes I feel nearly everything I try to say gets criticized
Soundless Voice said:
or recieves hate
Criticism =/= hate.

Well, at least not from me.
Soundless Voice said:
even when I at least try to say something relevant and join in the conversation.
I don't recall ever criticizing you when you were part of a discussion, just when you're randomly obsessing over Vocaloid. Again.
Soundless Voice said:
It makes me feel like I don't belong here.
Perhaps you don't. Some people just don't fit into some social groups.
That is pretty true actually, and I really have to stop obsessing, but it's hard sometimes.

But meh, there's other places I could be to do that, because there's a whole damn Vocaloid forum that I'm registered on.

Maybe I should just log off for a bit, probably just a few days.
My mom had an iPad keyboard, but it wasn't rechargeable. Eventually the batteries ran out.

But I'm fine with using the touch screen.
My headphones are broken and the other ones in the house are all horrible quality.

I think their just apple headphones, I'll have to get some more.
My OCD has become worse in recent months. It's hard for me to even play video games now because I'm so paranoid about the cleanliness of my TV screen. I spent over an hour and a half cleaning it the other day.

I recently had my medication switched, so hopefully that will help.
sounds tough

I spent about 20 minutes cleaning my screens today, but that was three of them (two pc and one tv)
So I made a song, and I had made it a group thing so I could harmonize and stuff, and then this one girl (who's 9, but she's a different girl than I usually talk about) is asking why can't she join and being whiny when I specifically told her why she couldn't join. And she's still nagging me about it and getting on my nerves.

I bet she doesn't even know the song, because she hardly even knows what Vocaloid is.

Gosh, when I was 9, nobody was ever this annoying.

Oh, and now the little fucker joined anyways. NOw I'm pretty annoyed.
little kids always want to join in on whatever it is older kids are doing. they're hardwired that way.

source: having a younger brother
Yeah, I ended up deleting that group performance though (since she didn't know the song and just was talking the entire time). I had made a solo of that same song later on anyways.
I wouldn't even call nine little anymore, 7 and older I would consider intellectual equals (well, some kids 7 and older)
Soundless Voice said:
Oh, and now the little fucker joined anyways. NOw I'm pretty annoyed.

Ah, kids. Gotta hate their guts. ;)
I know this is a silly thing to be frustrated about, but I have reasoning

Okay, so I had said I've been trying to learn Sadistic Vampire for months now. Well, my friend had made an open call for it a couple months ago, but it was in English and I didn't know the lyrics.

Well, I just got an invite for it in Japanese (by that same friend), yet I still haven't learned how to sing it!

Open calls don't stay open forever, ya know. They last 2 or 3 weeks tops.
I'm doing a paper, and wrote all that I could, but I'm 300 words short, so I'm adding a lot of filler to the point where this whole thing is probably going to be useless and meaningless. Should've picked a better topic.