Promote the above user to sysop for a stupid reason!

Promoted because Einstein was an idiot!
Promoted for being not hot, but cool (pun intended).
Promoted because I have to do in order to be allowed to post in this thread.
Promoted for promoting someone who calls me a n00b.
Promoting because Fly_Guy_2 is teh n00b. (he said "noob". lolol)

Mod Note: I'd just like to point out that Fly Guy 2 just wasted my time reporting this post because "Only noobs call each other noobz". Goddamn children.
PaperStriker said:
Promoting because Fly_Guy_2 is teh n00b. (he said "noob". lolol)

Mod Note: I'd just like to point out that Fly Guy 2 just wasted my time reporting this post because "Only noobs call each other noobz". Goddamn children.

I recieved that too. My WTF meter broke when I saw it.

Promoted for getting his first mod note.
Promted for agreeing.

I AGREE TOO! He spammed a Wiki's main page where nobody here cares about... Plus, most of the people here think it's a spam wiki while it's like other parody wikis... And I blocked him... (Hint: Like I said! Plus I"d like a cupcake...)
Promoted because there are no, I repeat, NO Purple Coins in the sand.
Promoted for being not promoted becuase he wasn't promoted, for not being promoted, darnit!