Promote the above user to sysop for a stupid reason!

Promoted for using " :mad: " several times
Promoted for having no avatar, custom title and personal text.
Promoted because Yoshi's glasses look slanting.
promoted for promoting me for already being promoted
Promoted for having an original username and being the funniest user on this forum. :P
Promoted for helping me increasing my post count by posting here.
Promoted for sucking less than a black hole. :P
promoted because the speed of light in a vacuum is about 186,282.397 miles per second
Blocked because 186282.397 miles is about 300000 km, since that's the speed of light in vacuum in one second.

*throws around random facts so that Yoshster can't show off with them*
a²+b²=c² in a triangle that has an angle of 90° with the sides a, b, c, when c is opposite the 90°-angle.
There are about 86400 seconds a day.
Columbus discovered America in 1492.
Armstrong reached the moon on 20th July in 1969.
The unison is the most consonant interval in music, followed by octave, fifth, fourth, third and sixth, second and seventh, and tritone.
There are 1850 Purple Coins in SMG.