The One Word at a Time Sentence Game

Zigzagoon zombies save a PTR-91.
Zigzagoon and zombies save a PTR-91.
A Zigzagoon and zombies eat a PTR-91.
A whale and zombies shoot a delicious MCD.
A whale and GreenDisaster shoot a delicious MCD pie.
A Smasher and GreenDisaster eat a delicious MCD pie.
A Smasher and GreenDisaster eat a decaying MCD pie.
A zombie and GreenDisaster control a decaying MCD pie.
A zombie and GreenDisaster control a decaying Smashie pie.
A zombie and GreenDisaster control a decaying pie.
A zombie named GreenDisaster kill a decaying pie.
A buffalo named GreenDisaster kills a decaying pie.
A buffalo named GreenDisaster marries a decaying Klingon.