Late Night with Tabuu and Mason

As I said it felt abrupt.
Maybe you could have a guest review of it (hint hint)

...wait that would mean that I'd have to re-read it and actually pay detail to it!
Wait, fuck that-

I want people to look at Typical Tragedy, not Resolutions.

Guest review...
Alright cool.

I finish reading episode 3, keep up the good work. I just can't wait for E: RotM to be reviewed by you guys; oh, and for me to make a guest appearance... or at least be the only audience member :D

EDIT: And I'm guessing the SMW use Coins?
If you want to be a guest, you have to ask us in the "I want to sign up for Late Night with Tabuu and Mason!" topic.

No. No video right now. I didn't know Tabuu announced it to the public but I had too many time constraints to do that. Anyway, episode 4 is out! It's not a video episode, and with that, LNTM is on hiatus. (Side note: We might start adding video versions of already-made episodes once LNTM is back.)
Well that sucks.
I mean, no video and the hiatus. But this may be the best issue yet. I loved it. But I think that the pictures could be a bit better.