Control the Throne

I call Sonic and force you to chat with him. Your head a splode.

I modify your copies into :bowser: 's and they eat you.

I give the throne to :luigi: !
But then I steal it from him and give it to...
:waluigi: :waluigi: :waluigi: :waluigi: :waluigi: !!!!!!

Throne stolen given to :waluigi:
I kick Waluigi in the shins. His shins fall off and I stab you with them while he goes to the Shin Shop.

I almost steal the throne, but then I look closely at you and discover you're the AWESOME writer of the AWESOME book Venture of the Wiki.
Instead of stealing the throne from you, I give you a box of chocolates with a note on that says, "To the AWESOME writer of the AWESOME book Venture of the Wiki!
All of us (me, Raccoon, Ralph, Secret Master, NVB, WaluigiWare and BMB) sit on the throne. The hollow seat breaks and we all fall into a huge trap...