Control the Throne

I get angry and turn into the hulk and throw you and the throne into a river and you float over the niagra falls. Then because the original throne was destroyed I build a perfect replica
Replicated Throne Get!
I orb out of the niagara falls (It remembers me another thing with falls, don't ask what) just before the throne is destroyed, and I get back to the replicated throne with the most complicated ability of all: I kick you out of it

Throne get
But I sell the throne to the ROM (Royal Ontario Museum) and become the only one with access to it besides the president of the organization
I become rich :posh: and Throne get!
A cricket gets in your head, you make me the owner of your money, and I waste it destroying the museum.
Then I get the throne, and scape to a parallel world with it.

Parallel throne get
I the parallel universe you are arrested for terrorism and parallel me gets the throne!
I kill everyone in the jail, I orb out of it and go to the real world with the throne, and when I'm on it, I destroy the portal to the parallel world, and go to lunch

Throne get
Meanwhile regular me has gotten the cricket removed and poisons your food
Throne get!
I force you to watch the super Mario bros tv show putting you in the mental ward for life
Throne get
I teleport you to a not existing place, and you die. After that I orb to the place where the throne is, I sit there and put a shield around it so nobody can take me out

Throne get
I use copycat and steal your class then I throw you out the very same window that Sh1ny EL3 was thrown out of but I turn him into a spiked goomba. You die Throne get
(The next thing is just a funny, or not funny, cheat for being alive)
But, the one who "died" was my astral self, I was using astral projection, so when all of you thought that I'm dead, I orb to the throne place and exchange bodies with QuizmoManiac

Throne get
Well I orb into a burrito factory eat a bunch of burritos orb back then stink the place up you orb away!
The throne is now stinky
I hired someone of the Charmed cast, that person makes a new throne and destroys the stinky one

Throne get by someone hired by me before being killed
I teleport to spain steal a bull a send it at you.
Throne 267/1000 hp
You 0/ 300 hp

Throne get
I make a deal with someone up there, come back to live with 6000 HP and 2 stars (?) and throw you 3 :dk:

Throne get
Sh1ny EL3 said:
I come back and summon [url]Pink Bean[/url]!!!!! You run away and I take the throne!

throne Get!
your pic didn't work so you go away to fix it throne get!
I kick you out of the throne so you don't want to kill me again

Throne get

P.S How do Sh1ny EL3 know I hate that color? o_O
The paradox of you knowing I hate pink kills you and up there, they exchange your soul by mine, so I'm alive again

Throne get