Control the Throne

I delete your memory and banish them to oblivion.

Your argument it invalid.

U Mad?

Throne Get
But one of them is half-whitelighter, so she orb them all (they teleport, not a breakable thing as many people think it is) and return my memory.
Then I steal the throne and send you to Valhalla

Throne get
Time to destroy you with troll physics


Your related arguments are now forever invalid.


Throne Get
What? Never mind.
I reverse time, and... I'm too angry (not with you) to create some idea .__.

Throne get
I get on another troll hoverboard and invalidise your further arguments, plus take the throne and destroy every television on the planet.

Throne get.
DyegoHalliwell said:
Okay, but you only stripped their magical powers, not some I will not mention. So they cast a spell to have their powers back and return me to present time, I knock you to the floor and you don't know how to use your reversing powers, then go away to Las Vegas.

Throne get
No. I never forget my powers.

I strip everyone of all of their powers, and I make sure I remove every single one of them, then I travel to a certain time period.

Throne get.
Since every magic on the earth doesn't exist anymore, I suddenly die and become a ghost, then I possess you so you get out of the throne, and send you to some city far away from the throne, and since my only mean of not moving on was getting the throne, I ghostly sit on it and fade away with it to wherever ghosts go (let's call it ghostly plane). So now everybody has to kill themselves to get the throne hahaha (?)

Throne get
I'll find Loic, and let him slap you.

Throne Get.
Yoshiwaker said:
I go there and kill all the ghosts with holy water, including you. Then I take the thron.

Throne Get
Tell me, exactly how you think you can kill a ghost with water? First, they're already dead, and also the water will just fall to the floor, since they're intangible.
I will just ignore that.
I do the same that 3 posts above, and then come back to live killing a powerful being from the ghostly plane/the heavens/whatever you wanna call it, and absorbing it's powers.
Then I just go inside the Empire State building and shield it so no one can enter, even teleporting or trying to break the shield.

Throne get
I use my reversing powers to remove DyegoHalliwell from existance, and then I remove all alternate dimension versions of him/her/it. Thus, the throne has appeared in a location where I can sit on it.

Throne get. Also, screw the time paradox, Dyego has been removed from existance.
It's him FYI.
Since I've been erased from existence, I will come up with a non-sense explanation.
My past life dies one day before my conception, then 9 months later (on 1997) I born again, and since the present time is still 2011 I re-appear and since the time paradox has been screwed up everything has sense now. Now I just push you off of the throne and go away.

Throne get
I put earplugs on. Then I grab Justin Beiber and make him sing. Dyego dies hearing him. Throne get. I keep my earplugs on too!
I reverse Rivalz to a different time period, then I reverse Pokemon Master to a different time period, then I use my reversing powers to remove Dyego from existance, then I remove all altenate dimension versions of him from existance, then I make sure he's never reborn/revived/reincarnated/etc. in any time period.
Throne get. :)
Okay, but you don't know what Dyego you removed from existence.
You get wrong one letter on my name
So, therefore, I'm still alive. So I drown myself on sunblock, take the throne and go to the sun, and protect it against reversing powers (doesn't matter from where they came, or if they are innate, it still protected)

Throne get
I reverse time to before you ("you" being the man who's account name on the MarioWiki Forum is DyegoHalliwell) went to the sun and use the force field, then I reverse you out of existance, then I reverse all your alterate dimension versions out of existance, then I make sure you and all your altenate dimension versions are never reborn/reincarnated/revived/etc.
I remove your family and your close friends from existance, then I do the same to their alternate dimension versions, then I make sure neither them nor their alternate dimension versions are ever reborn/reincarnated/revived/etc.

It's fun being a god.