Control the Throne

Miley? You mean Miley Cryus?

Granted but Taylor Swift attacks Miley,wins, and gets the throne for me.
Throne belongs to moi.
I love Egypt.I bring the Sphinx to life and it eats you. I get the throne
Throne mine.
I blow him up from the inside, get outside alive, heal myself and unleash Pandora's box sorrows all over the world, which makes the throne teleport itself to me

Throne get
Because I hate Shakira, the shirld has no effect on me, and so I take the throne.
Throne get.

Throne Get.
You cant kill people

I get mad at you beacause of this
DHalliwell said:
Why you...
and hunt you down and the throne, again, I nearly kill you and take the throne
Guess what?
I have da throne!
Duh, it wasn't anyone from here. Also I should be mad at you, but well
I hunt you, then steal the throne and go anywhere that's far away.

Throne get
I summon the cobra snakes that killed Cleopatra, and they destroy the throne.
After that, I vanquish them with a single fire ball, and build the throne, exactly as the very first and original one

Throne get
I don't know the word cobra in english, and don't want to look it up
Cobra is also in English, as far as I know.

Throne Get.