Control the Throne

My Shy Guys take you back to the mental hospital.

Throne Get.
I call in Wart to brainwash your Shy Guys and return them back to Subcon. Along the way, one of the Shy Guys grab and take you to Subcon as well.

Throne get.
You misspelled and misused "assassinate." Throne get.
My inner Grammar Nazi kicks in and points out that "nothing" should be "anything." Certainly, this is quite shocking. Throne get.
You keep the throne until you commit suicide alongside Grammar Eva Braun. Throne get.
Claiming to be some form of Hitler, you don't have a choice. Also, how does pessimism (the tendency to see, anticipate, or emphasize only bad or undesirable outcomes, results, conditions, problems, etc.) prevent or inhibit suicidal thoughts/actions? Throne get.
M4E(can I call you that?), you obviously have'nt known me for long. I believe sanity is overrated(not really).
Throne get.
Goombella said:
M4E(can I call you that?), you obviously have'nt known me for long. I believe sanity is overrated(not really).
Throne get.

If you wish. Before we can decide whether sanity is overrated (my view's reflected in my avatar), we need to decide what sanity is, since it doesn't have a lasting, objective definition.

Throne get (so I'm comfortable should this evolve into a discussion).
Sugar cubes are for horses and sweet-toothed children.

Sanity (from Latin: sānitās) refers to the soundness, rationality and healthiness of the human mind, as opposed to insanity. A sane person is one that is rational, rationality being one's ability to exercise reason, reason referring to the capacity human beings have to make sense of things, to establish and verify facts, and to change or justify practices, institutions, and beliefs.

Throne get.
But I am a Yoshi Saiyan the most awesome and ultimate thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Throne keep
:yoshi: :yoshi: :yoshi: :yoshi: :yoshi:
That's not the real throne Panda/kitty-cat-brain.

Throne Keep.
:bowser: "I'm happy"
:bowjr: "so am I daddy"
:wario: "wario happy to"
:mario: "I'm-a happy-a"
:yoshi: "Adum"
all together (except yoshi) "AAAAAHHHHHH"