Control the Throne

I used my Human Extinction Attack to kill everyone. I now control the throne
I just simply happened to walk by...and steal the throne!

However you fell down and I stole it from you like a ninja.
Baja controls the throne!
LN1, you really don't seem to understand how being an Agent works.

But never mind.

I beat Baja with a car battery and take the throne.
While Kingbowser99 is talking, I steal the throne.

You got a Throne! (does that count as a "throne get" thing?)
Baja said:
While Kingbowser99 is talking, I steal the throne.

You got a Throne! (does that count as a "throne get" thing?)

For goodness sake, why do you keep testing me like this?

Let me put it like this - When you pretty much explain that you just stole the throne, and then two spaces down put some shit like Throne get, throne share, you got a throne, you stole the throne, oh look i have a throne, bugger me, i just took the throne, and all that shit, it's stating the god damn obvious! And that's what pisses me off, the fact that you're being repetative, both in the post, and around the posts in general! The fact that everyone had to say those two bloody words over and over and over again just pissed me off, among other people.

So to answer your question, in a way that you'll know very much, yes it does count! Now can we please just STOP with trying to piss me off with the throne get shit, and just get on with the game?!
Then, all of the sudden, Wario rips his clothes off and starts doing thriller.

No earthly force can withstand this mighty power. All of your defenses are down! I create a large velvet pillow and sit on the throne.