Control the Throne

In a place that can't be found?
I teleport to the throne claimer and try to throw him into the sun. I miss, but that matters not. I transform back into my true form and envelop the throne, turning a light gold color, instead of my usually purple-blue. I then fly off into space in the opposite direction of the former throne claimer.
I recover after a bit, curse myself for not actually throwing you into the sun, and then I teleport to you, Nazgul, and shove a sword into your chest. After that I pull it out and cut your head off. I then take your mauled body and put it into a treasure chest, which I seal with the sword I slew you with. I then start looking for Sochies.
I wake up in a warehouse, tied to a chair. I escape, and then Sochies down. I throw sand into his eyes, and then take the throne, returning to golden form yet again. I go to Dimentio's D Dimension and chill out there. I go back into human form, conjure a beanbag chair, a bag of pretzels, and an iPod and speakers.
Hmm.... I don't feel safe about Dimension D anymore. Stupid pretzel thief. I teleport to the bottom level of the Temple of the Ocean King, where I deposit the throne into the goopy purple liquid there. I then cast a magical barrier around it, causing teleportation in and out of the temple impossible. Topping that off, I then turn every Phantom into a Reborn Phantom, which can only be slain by that... accursed rusted ancient blade..... Then I go back to Dimension D and continue chilling.
You try stomping me but it doesn't work. You try fire on me but it doesn't work. I climb the ceiling and drop, killing you and taking the throne.
Now, I arrive. I, using my scepter, transforms you into a Goomba. I squish you, then I take the throne.


I whack Luna and Spiky Topps with my sceptre. While they cry over there, I take the throne.

I laugh at them.

I'm such a "Schdenfreude"

I come back with the aid of Dimentio with the Original Throne, and I destroy the Fake with my sceptre.

Dimento takes you to Dimension D and lets you rot there.

I still have the throne.

Suddenly, le wild MEGA SPIKE TOP APPEARS.


I then sit on the remains of the original throne