Control the Throne

I describe the process, and the authorities arrest you for rape.

I turn everyone who's active in this forum into lolis for no reason and I super glue them together into a giant sticky sphere. I kick everyone else off a cliff several hundred feet above the sea and I go back to the Throne.

I pull the sword out of my head and I slice the above user into two halves.

Throne achieved.
Note: This post wasn't typed by Lario. It was typed by the mysterios The Guy.

The Guy unbans Ugozima but The Guy ties a rope around Ugozima and SMB and leaves them in a bomb factory with one little lit fuse on a stick of dynamite at the bottom of several tons of bombs.

Throne is gotten.
I use my hammer to flatten SPMB. Then I make him unable to teleport. And then I throw him into the bomb factory. And then I throw one of my bombs.

The Guy says: I need a Tekeporter here and there!

An Engineer comes and he builds me a Teleporter here and there... in that volcano that's about to erupt.

The Guy pushes Reversinator onto the Teleporter and then he dies in the explosion.

Throne get.