Control the Throne

Booman said:
Crazy chocalate fish steals chocalate and gives it to me.
I hire a sushi chef that then cuts up the fish, which I then eat. The chef gives me the throne too...
[me=Bald Bull uses "no u" all effects caused by anyone else are reversed and the throne comes to Bald Bull]
* King Hippo beats up Bald Bull for making up crap, therefore the throne goes to King Hippo.
I decide to launch a Nuke, but it accidentally goes through a wormhole of space and time and it hits Germany during the time of Hitler 1 minute before France surrendered. The result of the massive change in time turns the Throne into a toilet and Germany is now a large, useless parking lot.
I pour water on the game, which makes it malfunction, which somehow gives me the throne!
Glass Joe said:
I decide to launch a Nuke, but it accidentally goes through a wormhole of space and time and it hits Germany during the time of Hitler 1 minute before France surrendered. The result of the massive change in time turns the Throne into a toilet and Germany is now a large, useless parking lot.
I send Lario through the same wormhole back to Sarajevo of 10:30 AM, June 28th, 1914, he lands exactly between Gavrillo Princip and Franz Ferdinand, blocking the bullet, meaning that war is temporerilly avoided until January 16th, 1915 when 3 French battleships patrolling the North Sea were shot down by German U-boats who mistakingly thought they were going to invade, provoking France and Britain on March 3rd to declare war against Germany, who is soon joined by Austria-Hungary, Italy and Bulgaria. I send Nerdy Guy and Waddle Dee back in tme to witness this.
Bald Bull said:
Glass Joe said:
I decide to launch a Nuke, but it accidentally goes through a wormhole of space and time and it hits Germany during the time of Hitler 1 minute before France surrendered. The result of the massive change in time turns the Throne into a toilet and Germany is now a large, useless parking lot.
I send Lario through the same wormhole back to Sarajevo of 10:30 AM, June 28th, 1914, he lands exactly between Gavrillo Princip and Franz Ferdinand, blocking the bullet, meaning that war is temporerilly avoided until January 16th, 1915 when 3 French battleships patrolling the North Sea were shot down by German U-boats who mistakingly thought they were going to invade, provoking France and Britain on March 3rd to declare war against Germany, who is soon joined by Austria-Hungary, Italy and Bulgaria. I send Nerdy Guy and Waddle Dee back in time to witness this.
I hijack a U-boat and turn it into a time machine. I then travel back to you and crush you with my U-boat. I then take the throne! :)
Nerdy Guy said:
Bald Bull said:
Glass Joe said:
I decide to launch a Nuke, but it accidentally goes through a wormhole of space and time and it hits Germany during the time of Hitler 1 minute before France surrendered. The result of the massive change in time turns the Throne into a toilet and Germany is now a large, useless parking lot.
I send Lario through the same wormhole back to Sarajevo of 10:30 AM, June 28th, 1914, he lands exactly between Gavrillo Princip and Franz Ferdinand, blocking the bullet, meaning that war is temporerilly avoided until January 16th, 1915 when 3 French battleships patrolling the North Sea were shot down by German U-boats who mistakingly thought they were going to invade, provoking France and Britain on March 3rd to declare war against Germany, who is soon joined by Austria-Hungary, Italy and Bulgaria. I send Nerdy Guy and Waddle Dee back in time to witness this.
I hijack a U-boat and turn it into a time machine. I then travel back to you and crush you with my U-boat. I then take the throne! :)
Shit, I forgot to take the throne in that post. D:

[me=Bald Bull repeats his previous quote except this time he takes the throne :>]
I put of you in a House House. I put Dr. House in House House. Space Time Paradox eat you and House House up. :) I make the stealings of the throne.
My Head Asplodes, Therefore making all the above posts nonexistint in my head. The posts, being nonexistant, never happened, so therefore No one has the throne, and I walk up and take it. ???
Luigifreak said:
My Head Asplodes, Therefore making all the above posts nonexistint in my head. The posts, being nonexistant, never happened, so therefore No one has the throne, and I walk up and take it. ???
But without a head you can't take he throne. :smug:

Boo: You can't just say "shoves off the throne and sits" or "takes the throne" or stuff like that, you actually have to do something.

NG: I fight my way out of time paradox, make a kung fu of you (you have no bulldozer) and take the throne.
:posh: has a posh rights parade, I push you in the way of a float. You die and I'm a b******* I take the throne!
I play you ssbb.You lose,so you shoot me.However,you get arrested for murder.I comeback from the dead and take the throne.
I knock on MJ's grave, he then comes out and does Thriller, and you are forced to dance against your will. I then take the throne!
Nerdy Guy said:
I knock on MJ's grave, he then comes out and does Thriller, and you are forced to dance against your will. I then take the throne!
thats true, i wouldnt resist the urge to dance
I make the turnings of the Jungle of Antartica into noting but ices.

Because of this the Throne makes a eating of itself.
I kick the nearest tree, and a bird comes out of it and poops on you. While you run home to change, I steal the throne!
I just ear a donut when an earthquake happens.I check to see what happened.You were flattened by the roof.I find the throne and sit on it.
Booman said:
I just ear a donut when an earthquake happens.I check to see what happened.You were flattened by the roof.I find the throne and sit on it.
1) What does "earing a donut" mean?

2) I was probily sitting on the throne when the roof fell, so the throne would be crushed too.

3) If you're reading this, then I still have the throne. :P
I fire a nuke only I stand 150 miles away from the target and then with a radioactive suit go in (the throne is not destroyed because the throne can not be destroyed because then this thread would also be destroyed :P).