Control the Throne

Dr. Javelin said:
MKguy7 said:
I teleport you to the Moon.
elaborate on your teleportation technology. is it one-way? two-way? quantum tunneling? magic? transporter tech from star trek?
stupidity has taken over this game javelin

this thread is beyond our aid
Dr. Javelin said:
MKguy7 said:
I teleport you to the Moon.
elaborate on your teleportation technology. is it one-way? two-way? quantum tunneling? magic? transporter tech from star trek?

Excuse me, forgot to mention. Two way, but you require the controller to teleport. :posh:
The questions are hurting my head. And they're not even asking me here just take the throne and stop qsking questions!

*Runs away, then skids to a stop*

Wait a minute what the BLEEP AM I RUNNING FOR!!!