Control the Throne

Psycho Kamek returns after he was brutally murdered by Dr. Toadley. He hypnotizes you into thinking you’re a Goomba, and that you ought to be at Bowser’s Castle. You quickly dash out of the throne and I sit on it.
Psycho Kamek suddenly reveals himself as Anton, who hypnotises you to leave the throne, and Anton, ever loyal to me, delivers the throne to me, which I place my bottom on.
Anton himself appears, revealing that the throne you're sitting on is actually an illusion from your own hypnotism. As you enjoy sitting on an uncomfortable rock, I waddle over and take the throne.
Neptune suddenly snaps out of his hypnotism. Seeing Anton with the throne, he yells out "TRAITOR" and starts crying into his hands.

He cannot possibly attempt to steal the throne back, however. Anton is far too powerful and handsome to fight back against.
A blast of lightning takes everybody except me back to the previous save point. You forgot to save, so you must start the entire game from the start.

With that, I sit on the throne and stare at my shiny, golden, kingly jewels.
Apparently I was sent back to the beginning of the game. Considering there's no actual "beginning", and everything is taking place in the same area, I literally just walk up and punch you off the throne.

Before sitting down, I remind you of just one thing: "NEPTUNE NEVER FORGETS TO SAVE"
i rewind time back to nept-


i rewind time back to anton sitting on the throne
YFJ said:
You just forgot to save when you said that.

A Thwomp crushes you. Game over. With that, I sit on the throne.

I blast you into the Nth Dimension. Doesn't matter that you didn't have the throne, I just wanted to blast you into the Nth Dimension for disrespecting my honour.
I use something to stop time so I can get the Real throne and has a mass army and a minefield to protect the throne.
YFJ said:
You forgot to save. A Thwomp crushes you, and I sit on the throne.

John Denver Fan never forgets to save.

Uses my massive army to get back the throne while I sing
LED42™ said:
Well, I just bought a Save Album so that nobody forgets to save. You gotta thank me for this.


Click on it to save.

No need to use it since I save every minute.
Teleports into the castle and wipes out the whole army by myself to get the throne back.
Tosses some quarters on the ground and while ToadGamer is distracted, I take back me throne.
Distracts ToadGamer with more quarters. Now I have two thrones. Now who's up for watching Game of Thrones? I guard both thrones with my massive army it is hidden in a top secret place guarded even more.
Throws a copy of Kirby: Star Allies unto thine ground takes the throne while ToadGamer is distracted, now I have three thrones. Now try to come into my castle filled with traps and a massive army near the secret spot where all three thrones are. It is near impossible to get to me thrones.