Drop something on the person below you.


I drop a piece of paper.
*I draw something on the piece of paper*

Fudge rainstorm incoming!
Great, now I have a hurt stomach from the fighting.

I drop a live alligator.
He d-airs and kills himself.

I drop a motion sensor bomb.
Good, I needed some coffee! *Makes some coffee*

I drop a piano.
I raise him as a good dog.

I drop a tank.
Hey, It's raining tanks! (It's a reference to the 2015 SpongeBob movie)

TG drops forever glue.
Good, I needed something fixed forever.

I drop a boulder.
I catch him.

I drop a pen.
I send the pig to a butcher for meat.

I drop a tree.
"Did I hear someone say "Timber?""
*A tree falls on me.*
"Oof. Ok. I'm sending this to the lumber yard to get wood."

I drop a mouse (the computer one)
I needed one as mine broke.

I drop a car.
Good I neeeded a good early breakfast.

I drop a hundred pound gold bar.
Well, since it fell on my head, it did to me a serious injury. Thankfully it'll let me pay my hospital bills. So basically nothing happened.

TG drops his old avatar. (This "thing")
I get it and dump it in my trash.

I drop a container of nails