...James Wilson said:Free Loader said:OK...James Wilson said:Please say how Galaxy is better.
Yeah, and Pong was only a Pong mode. That didn't make it suck, did it?James Wilson said:Super Mario Galaxy is ONLY a story mode.
...I'm not normal?James Wilson said:and means that you probably won't be consistently coming back to play it
I guess. If you count planets and buttons and enemies and mushrooms and flowers and floors as "people", than yeah, all you do is jump. And star spin. Brawl is a fighting game, and that's all it is.James Wilson said:Also, if the only thing you do in Brawl's story mode is fight, then all you do in Galaxy is jump on people.
...Are you forgetting Galaxy's amazing orchestrated sound track? No matter how much latin Brawl stuffs into it's songs, it's not going to be better than Galaxy.James Wilson said:a contemplation of the greatest music in video game history
And Galaxy has fake replay value? Well, people eat fake mashed potatoes all the time, couldn't be too badJames Wilson said:actual replay value
There's nothing else to it. You complete it once, and that's it.
I thought you would've realized that when you joined a Mario fan site.
So, the Coin Launcher, Homerun Contest, Target Smash, etc., etc., don't exsist?
If you were counting only the music that was created for Brawl, I would agree with you. However, with Brawl's 100+ soundtrack of handpicked epic songs spanning multiple series and generations, I would say that beats out the overrated soundtrack of SMG.
But they're not as good as real mashed potatoes.
The SoundTrack very epic