Do your parents know about your account?

They do know I go on here but they usually don't care
Discord said:
My parents know that I'm doing something but I'm just shy of showing them what I'm on so it's kind of normal. I did mention a forum once but they probably forgot about it.
Actually, this is a more accurate description for me.
My parents don't know about anything I do on the computer, because I delete the browser history every night and I use my own external hard drive.
SKmarioman said:
My parents don't know about anything I do on the computer, because I delete the browser history every night and I use my own external hard drive.
I should totally start doing this. Sure, it will be annoying for my part, but I'll manage. Besides, I tend to have the same password for everything: a bad habit, I know, but that isn't something that couldn't be fixed easily, is it?
No, but it's not like I keep it from them. I'm nearly seventeen and they know they've raised me well enough to trust that I don't do anything illegal or downright stupid on the Internet.
I've told them once but they didn't care. I go on the Internet alot so I know all the basics. Don't give it out information and shit blah blah, the stuff they drill into your head a school.
Kazooie said:
SKmarioman said:
My parents don't know about anything I do on the computer, because I delete the browser history every night and I use my own external hard drive.
I should totally start doing this. Sure, it will be annoying for my part, but I'll manage. Besides, I tend to have the same password for everything: a bad habit, I know, but that isn't something that couldn't be fixed easily, is it?
Just use private browsing.
I joined a beanie kids forum at the age of 9 or something. It was the only ne they let me join. Then when I was ten they let me do whatever.
Pokémon Trainer Red said:
Lily said:
My parents don't. If they did they wouldn't care as long as I didn't tell everyone my details. They just don't want me on facebook posting my lifestory so the whole world can see it, mty Brother plays online Minecraft and they are ok with that as long as he is safe, so if I told them they wouldn't really care. But I don't tell in that off chance that they don't want me on here or the fact my brother would signup and make an account straight away then tell my parents how I have a crush on the main character from my favourite game series.
So basically, no they don't.
You have a crush on Link?
And you've known her for how long?
Crocodile Dippy said:
They've known I've been here since I first joined back in 2007. They don't mind, although they like to remind me that e-friends aren't real friends quite often.
They just don't understand our love DP.
No, they don't. I've caught them looking through the browser history, though.
You kids think that browser history is the only record your computer keeps of internet activity?

My dad keylogs my computer and has a program that secretly takes a screenshot every five minutes or so.
That's insane, Javelin. I can't imagine why parents would be that watchful of the content their kids are trying to access. That there just takes the prize. Wow. Just, wow. Your dad must be fucking paranoid to do that.
...I see. Makes it a bit more paranoid, because it's in his job description and all.

Let me guess, you have turned on the swear filter to make you able to even be here? Can't see any reason that you wouldn't be allowed here if it wasn't turned on.
What? No, this forum's fine.

...did I forget to mention the proxy that blocks online shopping sites and other miscellaneous websites that have spooked him in random ways, such as Google?
What? Seriously? Of all the sites he blocks, he blocks Google? This man just got even more paranoid than he already was in my eyes. Any other random sites that he blocks for no reason whatsoever?
Cap'n Falcon said:
No, they don't. I've caught them looking through the browser history, though.
They're seeing if you look at porn. If they find any, depending on the parents, you'll either be severely punished, or severely embarrassed with a discussion of the birds and the bees.
Kazooie said:
What? Seriously? Of all the sites he blocks, he blocks Google? This man just got even more paranoid than he already was in my eyes. Any other random sites that he blocks for no reason whatsoever?
Google is gathering all our information.

Who knows what they'll do with it?