I want to get interviewed on Late Night with Tabuu and Mason!

Loganofan20 said:
Of course the zany ones get approved.

And no, I am not requesting to be interviewed. So don't ask.
Late Night said:
"Would you go to a random playground, find some little kids playing 'Hide and Go Seek' and tell them 'I'M NOT PLAYING WITH YOU!'?""
Hey, Mason. Looks like we found our guy.
Also, Logano- you better deflate that swelled head of yours, because we don't ask people if they want to be interviewed unless they've contributed a great amount to the community (no offense to the people that've signed up here) and, judging by how absolutely dickish you're acting, why would we want to interview you, you egotistic brat?
Don't Fear said:
why would we want to interview you
why would i want to be interviewed after such a semi-insulting post.
kid 1: "I'll hide and you seek."
kid 2: "Okay!"
kid 1: "One... two... skip a few."
kid 2: "why would we WANT to play with YOU?"
random kid: "now I TOTALLY don't want to play!"
New Super Mario said:
Dr. Javelin said:
Don't Fear said:
Also, Logano-
Just FYI, most people call him Toad85 or just Toad.

Namechanging should be illegal.
Per. I used to do it, but now I haven't done it since like November, October.

I usually just change my theme

I regret getting the Augie Doggie theme. After this wears off, I think I'll never change it from Banjo.
I hope you get interviewed, BMB. Anyway, my name is Ultraluigi. I guess I should make that more obvious.
Your next and most awesome interview right here.

I'll even buy you guys Toucans and more people to review stories for you.