
I'd so totally watch that.
All I can identify are Mike Dawson and Rock Knight, I'm so ashamed.
Don't worry '3K, BillyMC will always live on in our hearts. Besides, he might spontaneously come back within his retirement.
This will forever live on as evidence of how dangerous a bear's right hook can be.
Shyguy just showed me this.
I love him forever for this.
I've had nightmares like that, and even those were more coherent

cracked up laughing during the corn field bit
Strangest thing about that game is that someone announced in 2009 that they're writting an official novelization of it.

We’ve always imagined the Road Avenger’s world as one lacking mercy or morals, and the chance to finally be able to see it as it should be is something too good to pass up. This is a something that should be gritty and dark, and from we read in the preview, Park does a great job of conveying the similarities between Blake’s inner darkness and that of the world around him. The symbiosis the two share is vital to the narrative, and Park’s prose is quick and precise in revealing it in a manner most people should have little trouble understanding.


(there's two excerpts online but fuck if I'm reading that, lol)
Suddenly, all those times he turns into the wall symbolize the inner conflict between the protagonist's inner thoughts of suicide and his desire for revenge and justice. I think I just learned something deep about human psychology.
Team Billy.

Anyone who says otherwise is a heathen and must be burned.

F-Zero is so much fun but I bet it's even better when you're stoned off of your ass.
I laughed so hard I cried. This is why psychedeliceyeball is probably one of my favorite youtube users ever.