Kerrigan World's biggest Multimedia Celebrity Poker fan. Poll Committee Pronouns She/her Jun 5, 2017 #2,502 Sorry A51
Arc Tracking the currents and lanes of the ocean Pronouns he/him MarioWiki Yoshi the SSM Jun 5, 2017 #2,503 You broke the chain. Therefore you will get it wrong. Luigi 64DD
Lily Let's Dive Pronouns SHE/HER Jun 5, 2017 #2,504 Let's see how long we can break the chain. Luigi 64DD
Kerrigan World's biggest Multimedia Celebrity Poker fan. Poll Committee Pronouns She/her Jun 5, 2017 #2,505 Let's do that. Roserade
Czario Rightful ruler of the kingdom of Russia! MarioWiki Luigi 64DD Jun 5, 2017 #2,508 First combo break. Luigi 64DD (This is guaranteed to be the second.)
Arc Tracking the currents and lanes of the ocean Pronouns he/him MarioWiki Yoshi the SSM Jun 5, 2017 #2,512 You ask for Luigi 64DD and you got his friend a little while afterwards. My guess is GSYoshi.
Kerrigan World's biggest Multimedia Celebrity Poker fan. Poll Committee Pronouns She/her Jun 5, 2017 #2,513 Your guess is correct. Luigi 64DD
Koops Agony Pronouns He/They MarioWiki ManKoops Jun 5, 2017 #2,514 Maybe next time. He is busy doing nothing. YtSSM
Czario Rightful ruler of the kingdom of Russia! MarioWiki Luigi 64DD Jun 5, 2017 #2,515 If you wanna call cleaning a bathroom, eating dinner, and playing videogames nothing, then yes, I was doing nothing. Koops
If you wanna call cleaning a bathroom, eating dinner, and playing videogames nothing, then yes, I was doing nothing. Koops
Arc Tracking the currents and lanes of the ocean Pronouns he/him MarioWiki Yoshi the SSM Jun 6, 2017 #2,517 You asked for Koops and you get the last person he asked for. I guessing Luigi 64DD will be the one
Czario Rightful ruler of the kingdom of Russia! MarioWiki Luigi 64DD Jun 6, 2017 #2,518 *sigh* fine... Roy
Kerrigan World's biggest Multimedia Celebrity Poker fan. Poll Committee Pronouns She/her Jun 6, 2017 #2,519 Sure, why not. Luigi 64DD again, please.
Koops Agony Pronouns He/They MarioWiki ManKoops Jun 6, 2017 #2,522 I know what you're thinking. "NOW, is the moment Koops comes?" SGoW
Lily Let's Dive Pronouns SHE/HER Jun 6, 2017 #2,523 I wasn't thinking that... I mean, you are correct! Now will it be Roy Koopa?