Guess who the user who posts next will be

Both answers are wrong (as GSYoshi is down below that)

Let's see if I can summon forth A51 Trooper
i may not be your friend but at least i'm here

george costanza
Sorry, no Rollerblade- I mean Roserade.

It's been a long time since I came here requesting A51, but I'll go for Roy this time.
Oh look, I just posted! You were wrong!

I request that Koops comes immediately.
What? You dare request something from me? You shall tremble under my power! Come back here!
Apparently, you were wrong too.

I sense a lurking Luigi64DD nearby.
Oh no, you found Mii!

Ok let's throw that out there! *drumrolls*

Sorry. If you wanted a ghost, I guess I'm not what you're looking for.

Come 'ere A51