Save a Character: U.S Presidents

Smasher: If you give up Grant, I'll give up McKinley.


Grover Cleveland
Harry S. Truman
Calvin Coolidge
Abraham Lincoln
Franklin D. Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Lyndon B. Johnson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
George Washington
Rutherford B. Hayes
Thomas Jefferson
Ronald Reagan

In Danger:

John Tyler
Woodrow Wilson
James Madison
John F. Kennedy
James Monroe
John Adams
John Quincy Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
William McKinley
William J. Clinton

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter

Grover Cleveland
Harry S. Truman
Calvin Coolidge
Abraham Lincoln
Franklin D. Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Lyndon B. Johnson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
George Washington
Rutherford B. Hayes
Thomas Jefferson
Ronald Reagan
James Madison

In Danger:

John Tyler
Woodrow Wilson
John F. Kennedy
James Monroe
John Adams
John Quincy Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
William McKinley
William J. Clinton

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter


Grover Cleveland
Harry S. Truman
Calvin Coolidge
Abraham Lincoln
Franklin D. Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Lyndon B. Johnson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
George Washington
Rutherford B. Hayes
Thomas Jefferson
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John F. Kennedy

In Danger:

John Tyler
Woodrow Wilson
Rutherford B. Hayes
James Monroe
John Adams
John Quincy Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
William McKinley
William J. Clinton

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter

Grover Cleveland
Harry S. Truman
Calvin Coolidge
Abraham Lincoln
Franklin D. Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Lyndon B. Johnson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
George Washington
Rutherford B. Hayes
Thomas Jefferson
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John F. Kennedy
John Quincy Adams

In Danger:

John Tyler
Woodrow Wilson
Rutherford B. Hayes
James Monroe
John Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
William McKinley
William J. Clinton

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter

Grover Cleveland
Harry S. Truman
Calvin Coolidge
Abraham Lincoln
Franklin D. Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Lyndon B. Johnson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
George Washington
Rutherford B. Hayes
Thomas Jefferson
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John F. Kennedy
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe

In Danger:

John Tyler
Woodrow Wilson
John Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
William McKinley
William J. Clinton

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter

Grover Cleveland
Harry S. Truman
Calvin Coolidge
Abraham Lincoln
Franklin D. Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Lyndon B. Johnson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
George Washington
Rutherford B. Hayes
Thomas Jefferson
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John F. Kennedy
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
William J. Clinton

In Danger:

John Tyler
Woodrow Wilson
John Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
William McKinley

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
We need to determine how this works...


Grover Cleveland
Harry S. Truman
Calvin Coolidge
Abraham Lincoln
Franklin D. Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Lyndon B. Johnson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
George Washington
Rutherford B. Hayes
Thomas Jefferson
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John F. Kennedy
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
William J. Clinton
John Adams

In Danger:

John Tyler
Woodrow Wilson
Ulysses S. Grant
William McKinley

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
I'll let Woody die first.


Grover Cleveland
Harry S. Truman
Calvin Coolidge
Abraham Lincoln
Franklin D. Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Lyndon B. Johnson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
George Washington
Rutherford B. Hayes
Thomas Jefferson
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John F. Kennedy
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
William J. Clinton
John Adams
Ulysses S. Grant

In Danger:

John Tyler
Woodrow Wilson
William McKinley

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Alright. In that case, I'll reelect Tyler now, but will let him fall out of the list in the next cycle (I bet my deal with Smasher on it).


Grover Cleveland
Harry S. Truman
Calvin Coolidge
Abraham Lincoln
Franklin D. Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Lyndon B. Johnson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
George Washington
Rutherford B. Hayes
Thomas Jefferson
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John F. Kennedy
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
William J. Clinton
John Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
John Tyler

In Danger:

Woodrow Wilson
William McKinley

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter

Grover Cleveland
Harry S. Truman
Calvin Coolidge
Abraham Lincoln
Franklin D. Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Lyndon B. Johnson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
George Washington
Rutherford B. Hayes
Thomas Jefferson
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John F. Kennedy
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
William J. Clinton
John Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
John Tyler
Woodrow Wilson

In Danger:

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
William McKinley

So what are we doing now?

McKinley is out, so Grant needs to be out too. We also need Tyler and Wilson to fall out if we are all to uphold our agreements.


Grover Cleveland

In Danger:

Harry S. Truman
Calvin Coolidge
Abraham Lincoln
Franklin D. Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Lyndon B. Johnson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
George Washington
Rutherford B. Hayes
Thomas Jefferson
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John F. Kennedy
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
William J. Clinton
John Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
John Tyler
Woodrow Wilson

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
William McKinley

Grover Cleveland
Franklin D. Roosevelt

In Danger:

Harry S. Truman
Calvin Coolidge
Abraham Lincoln
William Howard Taft
Lyndon B. Johnson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
George Washington
Rutherford B. Hayes
Thomas Jefferson
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John F. Kennedy
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
William J. Clinton
John Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
John Tyler
Woodrow Wilson

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
William McKinley
Oh, oops xD

Uh, I'll switch it around if you guys want.


Grover Cleveland
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln

In Danger:

Harry S. Truman
Calvin Coolidge
William Howard Taft
Lyndon B. Johnson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
George Washington
Rutherford B. Hayes
Thomas Jefferson
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John F. Kennedy
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
William J. Clinton
John Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
John Tyler
Woodrow Wilson (?)

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
William McKinley (?)
Are we able to do that? If so, I don't mind doing that so that it is easier to keep the agreements. :P


Grover Cleveland
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln
Calvin Coolidge

In Danger:

Harry S. Truman
William Howard Taft
Lyndon B. Johnson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
George Washington
Rutherford B. Hayes
Thomas Jefferson
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John F. Kennedy
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
William J. Clinton
John Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
John Tyler
Woodrow Wilson (?)

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
William McKinley (?)
It's not usually done, but it would probably be ok if everyone's fine with it. :P


Grover Cleveland
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln
Calvin Coolidge
George Washington

In Danger:

Harry S. Truman
William Howard Taft
Lyndon B. Johnson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
Rutherford B. Hayes
Thomas Jefferson
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John F. Kennedy
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
William J. Clinton
John Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
John Tyler
William McKinley

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Woodrow Wilson

Grover Cleveland
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln
Calvin Coolidge
George Washington
William Howard Taft

In Danger:

Harry S. Truman
Lyndon B. Johnson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
Rutherford B. Hayes
Thomas Jefferson
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John F. Kennedy
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
William J. Clinton
John Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
John Tyler
William McKinley

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Woodrow Wilson

Grover Cleveland
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln
Calvin Coolidge
George Washington
William Howard Taft
Harry S. Truman

In Danger:

Lyndon B. Johnson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
Rutherford B. Hayes
Thomas Jefferson
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John F. Kennedy
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
William J. Clinton
John Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
John Tyler
William McKinley

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Woodrow Wilson

Grover Cleveland
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln
Calvin Coolidge
George Washington
William Howard Taft
Harry S. Truman
Thomas Jefferson

In Danger:

Lyndon B. Johnson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
Rutherford B. Hayes
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John F. Kennedy
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
William J. Clinton
John Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
John Tyler
William McKinley

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Woodrow Wilson

Grover Cleveland
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln
Calvin Coolidge
George Washington
William Howard Taft
Harry S. Truman
Thomas Jefferson
Andrew Jackson

In Danger:

Lyndon B. Johnson
Theodore Roosevelt
Rutherford B. Hayes
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John F. Kennedy
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
William J. Clinton
John Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
John Tyler
William McKinley

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Woodrow Wilson

Grover Cleveland
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln
Calvin Coolidge
George Washington
William Howard Taft
Harry S. Truman
Thomas Jefferson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt

In Danger:

Lyndon B. Johnson
Rutherford B. Hayes
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John F. Kennedy
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
William J. Clinton
John Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
John Tyler
William McKinley

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Woodrow Wilson

Grover Cleveland
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln
Calvin Coolidge
George Washington
William Howard Taft
Harry S. Truman
Thomas Jefferson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
John F. Kennedy

In Danger:

Lyndon B. Johnson
Rutherford B. Hayes
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
William J. Clinton
John Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
John Tyler
William McKinley

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Woodrow Wilson

Grover Cleveland
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln
Calvin Coolidge
George Washington
William Howard Taft
Harry S. Truman
Thomas Jefferson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
John F. Kennedy
Lyndon B. Johnson

In Danger:

Rutherford B. Hayes
Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
William J. Clinton
John Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
John Tyler
William McKinley

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Woodrow Wilson

Grover Cleveland
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Abraham Lincoln
Calvin Coolidge
George Washington
William Howard Taft
Harry S. Truman
Thomas Jefferson
Andrew Jackson
Theodore Roosevelt
John F. Kennedy
Lyndon B. Johnson
Rutherford B. Hayes

In Danger:

Ronald Reagan
James Madison
John Quincy Adams
James Monroe
William J. Clinton
John Adams
Ulysses S. Grant
John Tyler
William McKinley

Out of office:

Franklin Pierce
George W. Bush
James Buchanan
Herbert Hoover
Zachary Taylor
Martin Van Buren
Andrew Johnson
William Henry Harrison
Warren G. Harding
James Garfield
Benjamin Harrison
Chester A. Arthur
Barack Obama
James K. Polk
George H.W. Bush
Millard Fillmore
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Richard Nixon
Gerald Ford
Jimmy Carter
Woodrow Wilson