UBB 4: Nabber won!

Re: UBB 4: Week 11- Final Three!

yay i'm trustworthy now!
Re: UBB 4: Week 11- Final Three!

Edurance part one being sent out now, remember, whoever wins it goes straight through to the final part of the HoH. Rules are near enough the same but I will pm any slight changes.
Also, pm if you want to see the strories from the last veto for fun.
Re: UBB 4: Week 11- Final Three!

Xerneas said:
Toad, isn't it obvious?

NSM and Rocker thought they could just try to get rid of you, me, and Nabber. It's kind of funny how the only people from our alliance besides me that have fallen is NSM.

Nothing would be better than seeing Rocker go next. The "final 2" alliance that thought they could get rid of us easily...ha! I'm sorry if I sound mean NSM and Rocker, but it's kind of ironic.

Your making me seem like a jerk. I didn't say that we were going to easily remove you guys. I never said it would be easy.

Your basically calling me a bad person for wanting to get to the Final 2. Which is just dumb.

Unless your shoey everyone's goal is most likely to try and get to at least the final 2, more likely there goal is too win though.
Re: UBB 4: Week 11- Final Three!

Sonia Nevermind said:
Xerneas said:
Toad, isn't it obvious?

NSM and Rocker thought they could just try to get rid of you, me, and Nabber. It's kind of funny how the only people from our alliance besides me that have fallen is NSM.

Nothing would be better than seeing Rocker go next. The "final 2" alliance that thought they could get rid of us easily...ha! I'm sorry if I sound mean NSM and Rocker, but it's kind of ironic.

Your making me seem like a jerk. I didn't say that we were going to easily remove you guys. I never said it would be easy.

Your basically calling me a bad person for wanting to get to the Final 2. Which is just dumb.

Unless your shoey everyone's goal is most likely to try and get to at least the final 2, more likely there goal is too win though.
My thoughts about this response:

Re: UBB 4: Week 11- Final Three!

I know everyone's goal is to make it to the end, but you could have made it easier for you and NSM had you not told me why you planned to backdoor me before I left.
Re: UBB 4: Week 11- Final Three!

Sonia Nevermind said:
Your making me seem like a jerk. I didn't say that we were going to easily remove you guys. I never said it would be easy.

Your basically calling me a bad person for wanting to get to the Final 2. Which is just dumb.

Unless your shoey everyone's goal is most likely to try and get to at least the final 2, more likely there goal is too win though.

No one is doubting your intentions, Rocker. You're right, pretty much everyone has been gunning for the finals. And everyone, save the inactives, has done something they're not proud of in this house. I know I have, I know Nabber has, I know BMB has, I know you have, none of us are unique.

You know, we were all friends at the beginning of this. It was my idea to involve you in the original alliances' plans (though admittedly it was BMB who gave you full entrance). You were a good player; not necessarily the best at challenges, but you always play a great social game. You were willing to go out on the line and play hard while the rest of us were afraid to. Had the game gone without

But as the game went along, and our alliances' opponents dwindled, NSM lied to me. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the guy personally. But he became conniving, manipulative, and acted like a cocky jerk after his big "get out BMB now" plan succeeded. And you went right with him, conniving and manipulating alongside him. It's showed me the kind of player you are. It's one thing to be a villain in this house. I was one for a long time. But when I was caught, I always took ownership of my actions. I value loyalty to my "true" alliance above any underhanded action I may consider. You on the other hand, are two-faced and are willing to make and break trust for the hell of it, if you deem it to be in your favor.

Just a few weeks ago, I would have considered taking you to the Final 2 with me. But after what you (and NSM) have done to destroy what the five of us worked so hard to build up, and your outright refusal to own up for it, I will break my back this week to get you out of this house. And if you do manage to make the finals with Nabber, I know who I'm voting to win. I hope I'm the deciding vote, too.

To borrow an analogy from Susan Hawk, there are two types of players on this show: there are snakes, and there are rats. We have BMB the Snake, Nabber the Snake, who knowingly went after their pray and played as nobly as the game would allow. And in the face of false adversity, Rocker and NSM became the rats, who run from the snakes like the cowards they are. It would put my heart at rest to know that, in the end, the food chain remained the way it was meant to be: for the snakes to eat the rats.

analogy ©2000
Re: UBB 4: Week 11- Final Three!

You see toad. Betraying, backstabbing, manipulating, and conniving, is simply how i make this fun for myself.

Don't take it too personally.

*Evil laugh*

Also i didn't realize we weren't still all friends. You guys may have been temporarily been made my enemies, but competing against you guys have given me more reasons to be friends with you guys.
Re: UBB 4: Week 11- Final Three!

From what I could tell Toad, you wanted to get BMB out as much as we did.

I remember you saying in a PM something like "I wanted to go all Bolshevik on him" or something to that regard.

But that's besides the point.

My vote is going towards who I think deserves it the most.
Re: UBB 4: Week 11- Final Three!

I love your post Toad. I also wonder what it would have been like Lily let me use my Pandora's box prize. Lol, I would have loved to see how long some of you would have lasted.
Re: UBB 4: Week 11- Final Three!

Ghirahim said:
From what I could tell Toad, you wanted to get BMB out as much as we did.

I remember you saying in a PM something like "I wanted to go all Bolshevik on him" or something to that regard.

Never said I didn't.
Re: UBB 4: Week 11- Final Three!

Toad wasn't the one that three me under the bus. Granted, he was after me, but I knew I would have to watch my back with him soon.

Rocker on the other hand not only blindsided me but told me about some things that he shouldn't have told me, which lead to NSM's Demise, and probably his this last eviction. I'm also still mad at Rocker during the Pandora Box dilemma when he was upset that I was almost allowed to use that power. Don't worry Rocker, I'll be sure to repaid you the favor.
Re: UBB 4: Week 11- Final Three!

Xerneas said:
Toad wasn't the one that three me under the bus. Granted, he was after me, but I knew I would have to watch my back with him soon.

Rocker on the other hand not only blindsided me but told me about some things that he shouldn't have told me, which lead to NSM's Demise, and probably his this last eviction. I'm also still mad at Rocker during the Pandora Box dilemma when he was upset that I was almost allowed to use that power. Don't worry Rocker, I'll be sure to repaid you the favor.

What did i tell you exactly?
Re: UBB 4: Week 11- Final Three!

That you and NSM were secretly working together, and planned to go to the final 2 together, hinting that after I was gone you were going after Nabber and Toad when Smasher and M4E were gone.

Then I exploded, told them, and that's why Toad got rid of NSM, and why you're going to need to win the final HoHs in order to make it to the end.
Re: UBB 4: Week 11- Final Three!

Sonia Nevermind said:
Xerneas said:
Toad wasn't the one that three me under the bus. Granted, he was after me, but I knew I would have to watch my back with him soon.

Rocker on the other hand not only blindsided me but told me about some things that he shouldn't have told me, which lead to NSM's Demise, and probably his this last eviction. I'm also still mad at Rocker during the Pandora Box dilemma when he was upset that I was almost allowed to use that power. Don't worry Rocker, I'll be sure to repaid you the favor.

What did i tell you exactly?
I think he's referring to the post you made earlier when BMB was about to be evicted.
Re: UBB 4: Week 11- Final Three!

Lily, I know it was sent yesterday, but do you think that it will be done soon?

I know Nabber and Rocker sent it in, and Toad should have sent it in soon...
Re: UBB 4: Week 11- Final Three!

Xerneas said:
Lily, I know it was sent yesterday, but do you think that it will be done soon?

I know Nabber and Rocker sent it in, and Toad should have sent it in soon...

Actually, i haven't sent it yet, sorry.
Re: UBB 4: Week 11- Final Three!

Attn Yoshiwaker, Palkia, me, M4E, NSM, and Smasher:

Let's turn that thing in fast so that we don't take too long! (Lol, already sent my in)
Re: UBB 4: Week 11- Final Three!

I'll take as long as possible just to spite you. Tonight, I'll answer the first question, tomorrow, the second, and so on. When I'm done, I'll change my answers and then submit it.

Seriously though, I'll get to it in the next day or so.
Re: UBB 4: Week 11- Final Three!

Mario4Ever said:
I'll take as long as possible just to spite you. Tonight, I'll answer the first question, tomorrow, the second, and so on. When I'm done, I'll change my answers and then submit it.

I approve of this post.

Xerneas said:
Then I exploded, told them

Did you tell them after you were evicted?
Re: UBB 4: Week 11- Final Three!

Peko Pekoyama said:
Mario4Ever said:
I'll take as long as possible just to spite you. Tonight, I'll answer the first question, tomorrow, the second, and so on. When I'm done, I'll change my answers and then submit it.

I approve of this post.

Xerneas said:
Then I exploded, told them

Did you tell them after you were evicted?

For the first part: :(

For the second part, well...

a - There was a week of "what will Liy decide" where I was evicted but not evicted at the same time.

b - It was right after Lily posted that I was the nominee replacement, with me PMing Rocker if I was a pawn. He told me no, told me some stuff, I put two and two together, than four and four, and then I had basically figured out a lot more than I hoped, PMed everyone in the Quintet, knew what I had to do, and completely told you and M4E about the Quintet, told Nabber and Toad to get rid of NSM and Rocker right away, and then went from there.

To be honest, there's another story that will affect the game if I said, so I'm just going to leave it be while I'm at it. There's another reason dealing with all of this that will shock you all.

Edit - Soon?