vgdunkey Artisanal Cheese Taster Apr 7, 2012 Thread starter #126 Command not recognized. Please try again using verbs.
Toad Eightyfive used to be here but peaced out Pronouns Anything MarioWiki Toad85 Apr 7, 2012 #127 >Toad85: Perspectificate
vgdunkey Artisanal Cheese Taster Apr 7, 2012 Thread starter #128 Goddamnit the first thing you do in a text-base game! What is the first thing John did when we found out his name?
Goddamnit the first thing you do in a text-base game! What is the first thing John did when we found out his name?
Toad Eightyfive used to be here but peaced out Pronouns Anything MarioWiki Toad85 Apr 7, 2012 #129 Exactly what I did. Perspectificate is a synonym for examine.
Toad Eightyfive used to be here but peaced out Pronouns Anything MarioWiki Toad85 Apr 7, 2012 #131 So?
Toad Eightyfive used to be here but peaced out Pronouns Anything MarioWiki Toad85 Apr 7, 2012 #133 >Toad85: Shoot Nabber. Owait, I'm in an asylum. Toad85: Strangle Nabber.
vgdunkey Artisanal Cheese Taster Apr 8, 2012 Thread starter #137 Allan attempts to free Toad but is also in a straightjacket. Magus is not in the asylum. Would he like to take the Epoch there?
Allan attempts to free Toad but is also in a straightjacket. Magus is not in the asylum. Would he like to take the Epoch there?
V Vinnie927 King Bowser Apr 8, 2012 #140 He grabs out his pocket knife and makes a small cut, witch he then makes big enough to escape.
vgdunkey Artisanal Cheese Taster Apr 8, 2012 Thread starter #141 He can't because he is in a straightjacket.
V Vinnie927 King Bowser Apr 8, 2012 #142 His hands are inside his pockets and he grabs the knife and frees himself and Toad.
vgdunkey Artisanal Cheese Taster Apr 8, 2012 Thread starter #143 Wrong. His hands are in the straightjacket sleeves.
vgdunkey Artisanal Cheese Taster Apr 8, 2012 Thread starter #145 Allan cannot, as he is in a straightjacket. Also his cell is padded.
V Vinnie927 King Bowser Apr 8, 2012 #146 Allan struggles the knife out of his pocket and kills himself.
vgdunkey Artisanal Cheese Taster Apr 8, 2012 Thread starter #147 He can't because he is in a straightjacket.
vgdunkey Artisanal Cheese Taster Apr 8, 2012 Thread starter #149 Allan doesn't die because the future developed a medicine that keeps people alive and it is fed to Allan.
Allan doesn't die because the future developed a medicine that keeps people alive and it is fed to Allan.