Describe the user above.

Re: Describe the user above #2

Knows that

(I only watch 1 atm)
Re: Describe the user above #2

Likeds the Kagamine twins (that's what they're called?)
Re: Describe the user above #2

Has a Ratata theme.
Re: Describe the user above #2

Hopefully didn't see the conversation I had with a few people on here last night.
Re: Describe the user above #2

And avatars

Is a girl
Re: Describe the user above #2

I have even more than just the three in my sig hehehe.

Plays Super Mario Galaxy (I'm assuming)
Re: Describe the user above #2

I see. Explains why your name is Smg2daisy instead of Smgdaisy. :P
And I actually have never really played a Mafia. I was forced to drop out because I left.

Posts in Forum Games the most (If I recall correctly. Sorry if I'm wrong again.)
Re: Describe the user above #2

And I might watch MLP:FiM on YT after I finish watching this Anime I'm into.

Lives in Asia (Sorry. I can't think of anything else besides Daisy fan)
Re: Describe the user above #2

I know. :/

Is 15 years old
Re: Describe the user above #2

Is a boy
Re: Describe the user above #2

Likes LoTR (Lord of the Rings)
Re: Describe the user above #2

Radagast the Brown said:
Because I talk in Japanese?

Has Radagast the Brown for theme
Re: Describe the user above #2

Knows I'm not Japanese