Unpopular opinions about the Mario series

Oh, about the unresponsive part, it usually works well, your joycons must have some issue maybe.

And, the handheld mode is not supposed to be a gimmick or anything different from the TV outside the touchscreen. It simply allows you to play wherever you want, while still being able to render images on a TV.

Now about the games, I agree that they're almost all ports, but I personally think that porting a deal of games is a good idea considering the Wii U's status as a console, since it wasn't very popular and there's also the fact that the Switch outsold it in ONE YEAR. Yeah.

I'm not assaulting your opinion, just sharing mine, don't get any wrong ideas.
Sunshine Yoshi said:
The thing is, I'd support the Switch if it didn't have three major flaws: TV Mode is unresponsive, Handheld Mode is more gimmick than innovation, and the games are Port City. For me to truly support the Switch, Nintendo would need to (a) fix the Joy-Con in a system update, (b) improve handheld mode so games actually make use of it, and (c) make new games and stop porting from Wii U. Then I will support it.

1. most people will tell you that joycon connectivity is just fine. early switch shipments did have some joycon connectivity issues so if you got your switch early on it might be due to that. if youre struggling with joycon connectivity, one good thing to look out for is to make sure there's nothing between your joycon and the dock (i.e. something like your leg being inbetween, or the dock is behind the tv, stuff like that).
2. i seriously don't understand this point at all. literally all the games make use of handheld mode, just like they also all use tabletop and tv mode. handheld mode isn't supposed to be some gimmicky control scheme, it's literally just holding the game console in your hands.
3. Firstly, I don't know if you've noticed but nintendo has currently released over 12 wholely original switch games (talking strictly first-party, this doesn't include stuff like mario + rabbids) during the one year and four months that it's been out, with another 3 confirmed for the holiday season. so stop implying that they're not making new games
but as for wii u ports (and ports in general), i don't have a lot to say to you apart from
a) there's only been seven 1st party nintendo games ported so far. it's not even that much.
b) even if there were more, so what? what skin is there off your back? having a port doesn't hurt you one bit. if anything, ports are a good thing. they let more people play more games. i probably wouldn't have been able to play a lot of games i have on my switch if not for them being ported. why would you specifically want less people to play something? like seriously look at your next post

Sunshine Yoshi said:
All I can say is that if Nintendo dares to port Super Mario 3D World to Switch, my life will be over.

if nintendo dares? my life will be over? really? how about you take a minute to look at the bigger picture instead of just your own specific circumstances for a minute?
contrary to what you think, nintendo porting a game will have literally no negative effect on you. they're not gonna come to your house and force you to buy it again at gunpoint. you already own the game, so just don't buy it again. it's not rocket science. if anything this would mean that more people will be able to enjoy the game you love so much. and if it's really so good, why would you not want that?

you really should get this idea that 'ports = bad' out of your head bro. it's not the end of the world when a game gets ported. it's far from it. for many people, it's the begining of a brand new adventure, one in a world that they may have never been able to explore otherwise.
Well, I guess you're right. A ported game doesn't really affect me at all, I guess. I'm dying for a new Mario game on Switch, though. Like New Super Mario Bros. NS or something.

Shovel Knight said:
I want a Mario Maker Port on the Switch!
I don't really think that's possible, though. The Switch doesn't have touch precision like the Wii U and 3DS, and they can't do what they did in Captain Toad. You can get a 2DS cheap and play Mario Maker on that, but it is honestly inferior to the Wii U version. Although I don't see any possible way to get this on Switch.
You can not like ports and that's fine. Just don't exaggerate about it.

I'm not a huge fan of the Switch being a port machine either myself. Most of the games being ported, I already bought, so it's not really all that exciting to see new announcements just being older games for a newer system.
I just want Nintendo do to less ports and have an actual Virtual Console and not the little pathetic library the previous ones had.
In general, I'm fine with ports and remakes. I just don't like last-gen ports--those games I haven't even played enough on their original consoles. I know that the Wii was also originally Port City (looking at you, New Play Control) and that was even more pointless considering backwards compatibility. At least they added motion controls.

Also, 12 exclusive first-party games? I only count 6: Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Arms, Mario Tennis Aces, Kirby Star Allies, and 1-2-Switch. Also Smash Ultimate, if that counts.
Ports like that are a bummer when you played on the Wii U, but again... a lot of people like me haven't, so porting the games would mean that more players will be playing them.

It is good for me to see that I can actually play these games I never thought I could, but at the same time, it's not something to be overdone. The Wii U deserves to keep some of its legacy.
Far as most switch owners are concerned, those ports aren't ports at all.
Everyone said:
Ports like that are a bummer when you played on the Wii U, but again... a lot of people like me haven't, so porting the games would mean that more players will be playing them.

It is good for me to see that I can actually play these games I never thought I could, but at the same time, it's not something to be overdone. The Wii U deserves to keep some of its legacy.
One question though: if you didn't have a Wii U, where were you last gen? PS4? Xbox?
PC is evergreen, baby. :)
PC does have Mario ;)
Sunshine Yoshi said:
One question though: if you didn't have a Wii U, where were you last gen? PS4? Xbox?

Wasn't even there, I was still playing Wii games. The last Wii game I got was Super Paper Mario in 2013.

Princess Mario said:
PC does have Mario ;)

And it has a game that makes Mario Maker look like a joke imo. *wink*
Hmm, well then, you missed a lot. I've never met anyone without a PS4 (except myself, of course, who got a Wii U instead).

But yeah, I'd rank the current-gen consoles Wii U > Switch > PS4 > Xbox One. PS4 and Xbox are at the bottom; I would never buy a game console that doesn't have Mario. I still rank PS4 over Xbox because it's cheaper and more popular. I rank Wii U over Switch primarily because of the quantity and quality of the Wii U's games over the Switch (just my opinion). This may change in the future, but right now I don't see it happening. The Switch is still miles over the PS4 and Xbox, so it's not like I hate it or anything; I'm just disappointed with it because I got it a couple years too early (holiday 2017).
Honestly, anything with no Nintendo content ain't good enough for me. I need Mario, Zelda and Kirby man. And Smash now.

You know, I was actually about to get a Wii U, but that was at the time where the Switch was close to getting revealed, so we decided to keep the money to see that.

So instead we got the Switch. And I can't say I regret that partially because of the ports, which is why I mostly support them: they allow me to play the games I would've gotten if I went for Wii U, except with the Switch, we also got additional stuff.
I loved the Wii U a lot. It had New Super Mario Bros. U and Super Mario 3D World, my favorite games on the console. I'd still be playing those games a whole lot if it weren't for my bad luck cursing me with broken discs. It's really disappointing, honestly; I'm constantly trying and failing to get them to work. I also liked Mario Kart 8, Yoshi's Woolly World, and Super Mario Maker, but they're no longer exclusive, and they never quite stacked up to the previous two I mentioned. The Wii U was a great console; the fact that it sold worse than a failure doesn't make it one itself. Nintendo still profited from the Wii U; Microsoft, on the other hand lost hundreds of millions of dollars on the Xbox One. The Xbox One was an actual failure; the Wii U had poor sales, but wasn't a failure and Nintendo should stop treating it as such.

I don't dislike the Switch nearly as much as I used to, but I still find Nintendo's current decisions with it to be downright awful. The Switch has a lot of potential, so why is Nintendo wasting it on last-gen ports? But it's a decent console, and I should cut it some slack if only because it's a year old. I find the Wii U superior in many ways, but that may just be because the Switch is a relatively new console.

Also, you said that your Joy-Con work just fine? That's strange; should I try getting them repaired? My Switch is still in warranty.
Sunshine Yoshi said:
Also, 12 exclusive first-party games? I only count 6: Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, Arms, Mario Tennis Aces, Kirby Star Allies, and 1-2-Switch. Also Smash Ultimate, if that counts.

Mario Tennis Aces
Super Mario Odyssey
Splatoon 2
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
1-2 Switch
Kirby Star Allies
Sushi Striker
Fire Emblem Warriors
Nintendo LABO (technically this probably counts as two?)
(initially i counted botw since it was a dual release and therefore for the purpose of this discussion not really a 'port' but i forgot that its technically not switch exclusive so that's why it's only 11.)

and the three coming later this year
Super Mario Party
Pokemon Let's Go
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

and that's not mentioning ones we know about for next year, like fire emblem, yoshi, etc

anyway, i've realised this has gotten kind of far away from the original topic lol
uh so here's an unpopular opinion: i don't really like pauline and i don't particularly want to see her appearing in everything from now (i.e. spinoffs)
Hulk said:
uh so here's an unpopular opinion: i don't really like pauline and i don't particularly want to see her appearing in everything from now (i.e. spinoffs)
That's certainly unpopular for me.
Everyone said:
And it has a game that makes Mario Maker look like a joke imo. *wink*
Several, actually.

Three I do know include Luna (Super Mario World), Super Mario Bros. X (it includes Super Mario All-Stars variants of Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario Bros., and Super Mario World as well as its own thing like Ice powerup, more colored Yoshis, and so on), and Reggie! (New Super Mario Bros. Wii). Luna and Reggie! are for modding I think, while Super Mario Bros. X is a fangame and doesn't require any ROMs/ISOs.

Sunshine Yoshi said:
Hmm, well then, you missed a lot.

I would never buy a game console that doesn't have Mario.

well to be fair I don't buy Playstation or Xbox because they're overpriced and generally outclassed by PC but the two have pretty good exclusives. Brand loyalty doesn't get you very far and you're kinda insulated from not only the bad aspects of gaming but the good ones too (like button configuration, sound options, neither which are present in a stupid lot of Nintendo games).

I'd still rank the Nintendo consoles higher because they're more easily modded and they at least have a gimmick that sets them apart from PC, but PC is still superior over Nintendo consoles IMO. As long as your PC isn't a potato, that is.
Hulk said:
uh so here's an unpopular opinion: i don't really like pauline and i don't particularly want to see her appearing in everything from now (i.e. spinoffs)

Pauline is probably among the most boring character to add to a Mario game roster, in my not-so-humble-opinion.
I liked Pauline before it was cool.
Peach Daisy Rosalina and Pauline are all kind of boring to me.