Unpopular opinions about the Mario series

Baby Man said:
I don't like Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island. I had it as an ambassador game for free on the 3DS. I tried it out. I didn't like it.

It's not because the gameplay sucks though (the collection aspect is irritating though). It's not necessarily because I hate Yoshi. There's just something about the game I don't like.
I also can't really enjoy that game either. I enjoyed Yoshi's Island DS enough but I don't enjoy any of the others.
Yoshi's Island is the shit yo.

I'm likely biased because I've played that game a lot in my childhood even though I never had a SNES, but I get good feelings when I just think about the OST...
Plain Ol Giga12 said:
Baby Man said:
I don't like Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island. I had it as an ambassador game for free on the 3DS. I tried it out. I didn't like it.

It's not because the gameplay sucks though (the collection aspect is irritating though). It's not necessarily because I hate Yoshi. There's just something about the game I don't like.

The incessant screeching from Baby Mario? The fact that Baby Luigi's kidnapped?
Probably the latter.
-I think Super Mario 64 is overrated. It WAS the first 3D Mario game, but it's not that special. I personally think it's incomplete in some aspects.

-I hate Bowser Jr. WITH. MY. FREAKING. LIFE.

-DK is annoying.

-I actually like the New Super Mario Bros. series. It's one of my favorite Mario game series.
FoxWolf64 said:
-I think Super Mario 64 is overrated. It WAS the first 3D Mario game, but it's not that special. I personally think it's incomplete in some aspects.

-DK is annoying.

-I actually like the New Super Mario Bros. series. It's one of my favorite Mario game series.
I love Super Mario 64, I don't see how this game can be considered overrated when it practically revolutionized the gaming industry.

I love DK, he's really funny, and helpful.

I agree with the Super Mario Bros. series.
Luigidaisy1 said:
FoxWolf64 said:
-I think Super Mario 64 is overrated. It WAS the first 3D Mario game, but it's not that special. I personally think it's incomplete in some aspects.

-DK is annoying.

-I actually like the New Super Mario Bros. series. It's one of my favorite Mario game series.
I love Super Mario 64, I don't see how this game can be considered overrated when it practically revolutionized the gaming industry.

I love DK, he's really funny, and helpful.

I agree with the Super Mario Bros. series.

I guess you can say that, but I hate the people who just say it's better than the newer games, because it's not. It's nostalgia blindness that gets me.

And I hate DK and all the kongs. They're so annoying, especially Funky. He's the worst.

Thanks, somebody else who likes the NSMBW series! I thought I was the only one.
Diantha said:
Plain Ol Giga12 said:
Baby Man said:
I don't like Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island. I had it as an ambassador game for free on the 3DS. I tried it out. I didn't like it.

It's not because the gameplay sucks though (the collection aspect is irritating though). It's not necessarily because I hate Yoshi. There's just something about the game I don't like.

The incessant screeching from Baby Mario? The fact that Baby Luigi's kidnapped?
Probably the latter.

Baby Mario's cries surprisingly never annoyed me. Ironically, Baby Luigi's crying in Partners in Time irked me a bit more.

It's not only the latter.
Luigidaisy1 said:
I love Super Mario 64, I don't see how this game can be considered overrated when it practically revolutionized the gaming industry.
It's not bad for its time; it did redefine the platforming genre and set a legacy for later third person games. It spawned a craze of 3D platforming, such as Donkey Kong 64, Rayman 2, Gex, Conker, and Banjo Kazooie. But, to call it the best game ever? No, it's not. It aged terribly, but there are some quite devoted adherents to the game that are blind to criticism of the game from a modern perspective.
Oh yes.

You know when a game aged poorly when the d-pad controls much better than this slippery physics fest of Super Mario 64.
I don't know, I just could never get used to Mario "bouncing" off the wall and making a grunting noise after he jumps into it.
Luigidaisy1 said:
I love Super Mario 64, I don't see how this game can be considered overrated when it practically revolutionized the gaming industry.

It irritates me more when people said Super Mario Galaxy revolutionized gaming
FoxWolf64 said:
-I think Super Mario 64 is overrated. It WAS the first 3D Mario game, but it's not that special. I personally think it's incomplete in some aspects.
SM64 flipped the world upside-down, it was one of the best, and many people consider it still. It's incomplete in many aspects, but still feels decent, compare it with even a new game like Super Mario Galaxy, or Super Mario 3D World (haven't tried that one personally) and you will feel that you got more options in the first. SM64 designing was also brilliant, to let players train on the new 3D mechanics, Mario starts in a large area, filled with all sort of places that he can jump from and to. SM64 deserved to be the first and one of the best 3D games.

DragonFreak said:
Besides, SM64DS is a better game.
The controls sucked very much, preferred the control stick.

old but meh:
GalacticPetey said:
Megaman said:
Yoshi's Island series sucks, It was okay to save that damn plumber once, twice, but five are just sooooo much.. Let that dinosaur adventure alone, without that crying piece of crap.
Super Mario series sucks, It was okay to save that damn princess once, twice, but five hundred is just sooooo much.. Let that plumber adventure alone, without that screaming piece of crap.
Sorta agreed with, I said before, I want a game without Peach being kidnapped.. at least, I got what I asked, though it involved kidnapping.
Meh, I think Rayman 2 and Donkey Kong 64 are better games than Super Mario 64
Megaman said:
Rayman 2 sucks IMO

Tell me, why? Did you even play it?
yeah, I played it, didn't complete much though.. bad level design, bad character design, too many/annoying collectibles, possibly more reasons, I don't quite remember though, it has been long.
Bad level design? What the hell? You're expecting it to be a 3D collect-athon, didn't you? Are you criticizing the game for trying to be a 2D linear experience rather than a Super Mario 64/Banjo-Kazooie clone? The only collectibles are the cages and Lums, that's hardly "too much"
Baby Man said:
Luigidaisy1 said:
I love Super Mario 64, I don't see how this game can be considered overrated when it practically revolutionized the gaming industry.

It irritates me more when people said Super Mario Galaxy revolutionized gaming
People say that? Are they five? SMG doesn't even make it into my top 50 favorite games.
DragonFreak said:
Baby Man said:
Luigidaisy1 said:
I love Super Mario 64, I don't see how this game can be considered overrated when it practically revolutionized the gaming industry.

It irritates me more when people said Super Mario Galaxy revolutionized gaming
People say that? Are they five? SMG doesn't even make it into my top 50 favorite games.


It's a great game, but it didn't CHANGE anything.
3D Player 2004 said:
In my opinion, Mario Party 5 revolutionized gaming.

Are YOU five?