What inspired YOUR username?

When i joined the koopaling fandom about several years ago, I identified myself with Larry coz he's like my fav. So I had to come up with a username here (I made a Larry Koopa account here once before a long time ago I think, i forgot the pass - so that name was taken)
so I added prince to make it sound cooler. 88 comes from 1988 the year SMB3 released- Larry's debut.
Ever since I made the username here, I've branded it for all my koopling stuff- from deviantart to YouTube
In Homestuck, there is a song called "Ballad of Jack Noir". The version that was released has no lyrics. However, the original version has lyrics sung by Toby Fox, who you probably know as the creator of Undertale. One of those lyrics is "Archagent everlasting!", which is in reference to the fact that Jack Noir feels as if he will be eternally the archagent of Derse. I just thought it sounded super cool
I was thinking of Toad because I like him, then I thought about the word "Gamer" and it was a good idea.
My favorite Pokemon.
I had a friend on the wiki named KingKamek, and we were both obviously kamek fans. I decided to use the word "PowerKamek" since magikoopas are powerful anyway. I was always a kamek fan!
I literally saw a salt shaker in the kitchen and thought "that's salt, man".

Seriously, that's the whole story.
I originally came up with my standard online username on the Scratch programming community website. I was a big Yoshi fan, and I still am, so I wanted to put Yoshi in my username. I tried to create an account with the name "YoshiYoshi", but obviously that was taken. I tried a LOT of combinations with Yoshi, but they were all taken. Then something went off in my head. Yoshis can Flutter Jump. This led me to try "YoshiFlutterJump", and to my great relief, it was not taken. Ever since then, "YoshiFlutterJump" has become my established username on many websites. If you want to see my Scratch programs, try me in the summer. That’s the only time I’m active there.
My inspiration for my username was the late John Denver. A great singer and songwriter of the mid to late 20th century. I listened to his music starting in December of last year and I am a fan of him, thus my username.
So, when I made my wiki username, I thought that taking the name of one of your favorite characters and appending the number 64 to it was the hip thing to do. Therefore, I initially attempted to register as Luigi 64. However, this name was already taken by a user who had made a few edits to pre-release Mario Kart Wii pages before forever disappearing into the void. The next logical thing to do in my mind was to add DD to Luigi 64 in reference to the failed N64 peripheral. I typed Luigi 64DD in with suspense and was happily relieved to find that it was not taken. It turns out few people have thought of a name like that as my username has registered with ease on many other websites.
I suppose for fun I'll attempt to explain the origin of several of my usernames. May have posted about some old ones a long time ago in here idk.

I Got No iPhone (current) and Slushy the Slushball: Songs by Parry Gripp, one of my favorite musical artists. I also once had It's Raining Tacos, another of his songs, in my custom title.

Air Conditioner and Wittgenstein: Characters from Brave Little Toaster, a hugely nostalgic series for me. The sarcastic Air Conditioner is from the original movie, while Wittgenstein the supercomputer is from the sequels, which were generally not well-received but guilty pleasures of mine. Coincidentally both of them blow out and get repaired later.

Various long names I've had in July: I remember someone had a long name in 2013 and I found it amusing so I decided to shamelessly copy the idea (typical of me in 2013, the new user trying to fit in). Mine have been generally cringe though, I'll probably drop that 'tradition' this July (I only continued it because both of the times I had done it before happened to be in July)

greatdimentio: Obviously based on Dimentio, but also comes from my GameFAQs username, which was made with my favorite Paper Mario character, originally for the sole purpose of whining about Sticker Star (how original).

The Once-ler: From the Dr. Seuss classic The Lorax. I chose the original version exclusively because the new one was almost a completely different character (I still like him though). The original animated short was another thing I enjoyed as a kid, so another nostalgic theme. Everybody needs a Thneed!

King Antasma: A recurring theme of mine has been this one. The first time I used it was actually before Dream Team came out, and barely anything was known about Antasma. It was actually possible that "King" wouldn't end up fitting but sure enough, he's a bat king.

Stanley the Troll: Another from a guilty pleasure. This character comes from one of the most panned animated movies ever, A Troll in Central Park. Regardless, I actually like Stanley, he and his songs are pure and managed to hook me in when I was younger. Thus, another guilty pleasure (I actually have a huge track record of liking movies that are considered bad or subpar lol)

And finally the last one I'll mention now Lord Spongeful: just a combination of Fawful and SpongeBob, two characters with absolutely no relation whatsoever other than I like them both. So I created that hideous combination of them. It will stay in the past (other than in my rotating avatar for when I'm not theming) because it's just bad-fanfiction fodder.
I Got No iPhone said:
Various long names I've had in July: I remember someone had a long name in 2013 and I found it amusing so I decided to shamelessly copy the idea (typical of me in 2013, the new user trying to fit in). Mine have been generally cringe though, I'll probably drop that 'tradition' this July (I only continued it because both of the times I had done it before happened to be in July)
it was me
luigiiscappyiswear said:
A really weird and dark theory that luigi was cappy inspired my username.

that's the theory m'bois. get your tinfoil hats on
It says right in the title that it's a parody...
Anyways, i'm named like this because i think i'm a dumba**.
Kind of a stupid story--
I was a young lad about 7 years ago now, and I, like many other elementary school children, went through a pretty big Minecraft phase. I was enthralled by the possibility of making my own roller coaster (you can see where this is going) because I thought I could make loops and crazy stuff like that, and so when I finally got Minecraft, avid 3rd-grade me decided to choose "rollerC" as a nickname because he did not know that he would have to make such a decision. I don't know how I got so lucky, but I actually really like the username rollerC, not only because it looks aesthetically pleasing, but because it naturally gives way to nicks like Roller. It's really quite the perfect name for video games and Discord. It just kind of stuck. The nick Roller didn't come around until later--as I recall I was on some chat thing and a player/user referred to me as "Roller", and I found that really obvious and convenient, so I sleazily adopted it. ;D
Mine is probably the lamest inspiration of all :D Well my favorite color is yellow, and since this is a Mario board, I wanted to have something Mario related, so I picked a mushroom XD
I was looking for something Yoshi-related, and i found Yoshi Egg being a good thing. The 1990 is the year Super Mario World, the first game to feature Yoshis, was relsased.
Be prepared for a sort of weird story. You've been warned.

So my cousins and I were really overtired one time on vacation, and somehow we came across a fantasy name generator online, and my username came out as a possible Goron name. (Legend of Zelda has Gorons.)

So, I guess you could say Gorons inspired my username.
What inspired my new username is George Jones, famous singer and the best out there, also a legend. Of course I'm a fan of him obviously. He did songs from the 1950s until 2013 he done music for nearly 60 years.