Give the next poster an item

I steal it for myself :bowser:

Next user gets Snifit on Stilts
*makes my sister get cut because of the cat*

The next person gets a sword.
*blows car up with grenade launcher*

Next person gets a stick.
Hey, it's Rumble McSkirmish!

Next person gets a Poke Ball.
*throws it in the trash*

Next person gets a marshmallow.
Miracle Matter said:
I'm named John so are you talking about me???

*uses the sunglasses*

Next person will get a Lava Bubble pet.
Really late, but no. I have a friend irl named John. Sorry for confusion.

*Eats the marshmallow*

Next person gets a shovel
*puts it in a bucket*

Next person gets an ice cream cone.
*throws into your face*

Next person gets a wolf.
I keep it as a pet. I connect with this wolf on a personal level, since I am a werewolf myself.

I shall name him Lycan. <3

Next person gets cheese
*Throws it away*

Next person gets my broken iPod.
*Being... Me... Spends it on something random*

Next person gets a 24" Mario plush
*eats marshmellow*

Next person gets a

*Haves Cosmo and Wanda change it into a sunday*

Next person gets me(YAY!!!)