Give the next poster an item

*blasts Bowser45*

Next user gets


Next user gets glowing text.
*dodges it*

Next user gets glowing green.
I assume it is radiated, right? *flee in terror*.

Next user gets a bucket of pig lards.
I ate the ice cream.

Next user gets painting of Lethal Lava Land.
Koulza said:
I assume it is radiated, right? *flee in terror*.

Next user gets a bucket of pig lards.
The irony. I just saw a documentary on the Love Canal incident near Niagara Falls in 1978.

I eat it. Then I dream about that insanely scary Sonic hack. I die of seizures. Next user gets my dead body.
I destroys it.

Next user gets some horror manga (be careful, as it can gives you a nightmare, just ate some sweet dream sugar and you'll be fine)